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Doctoral Studies Quality Circle

The Doctoral Studies Quality Circle (Qualitätszirkel Promotion) is a cross-border network of, at present, four German states in which members of graduate schools and institutions are currently working on supporting junior scientists of, so far, eight universities.
The QZP was founded in 2009 in order to conceptually developsupport structures for doctoral studies at universities.

The Manaing Director of the GGS, Dr Kerstin Lundström, has been member of the QZP since 2016. She superseeded the former Managing Director, Dr Eva-Maria Aulich, as member of the QZP.


The guidelines developed by QZP are addressed at PhD candidates as well supervisors and offer both parties valuable tips and advice to help them master each step of creating a successful dissertation thesis.

By clickling on the images below you will be redirected to the QZP manual for PhD candidates or supervisors respectively.


for doctoral candidates

for supervisors


for students or "predocs"

Brochure that supports students deciding whether to do a doctorate

Further information about the activities at the QZP may be found on their website.