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Forschung an der Professur BWL X


Die Forschung an der Professur Technologie-, Innovationsmanagement und Gründungsmanagement (BWL X) ist grundlagen- und anwendungsorientiert.


Folgende Ziele werden insbesondere verfolgt:

  • Empirische Erkenntnisse zum Themenbereich der Professur
  • Relevanz und methodische sowie konzeptionelle Genauigkeit
  • Realisierung anspruchsvoller Projekte durch die Einwerbung externer Forschungsmittel
  • Veröffentlichung unserer Forschungsergebnisse in relevanten internationalen Fachzeitschriften
  • Starke Einbindung in den Akzentbereich „Data-Driven Economy“ des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften (FB 02) der JLU Gießen

 Unsere Themenschwerpunkte sind dabei:

  • Strategisches Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement: Technologie- und Innovationsstrategien und Neuproduktentwicklung
  • Akzeptanz und Adoption smarter Technologien
  • Technologiegetriebene Geschäftsmodellinnovation, Technologie- und Innovationstransfer und Datenmanagement
  • Gesellschaftliche und soziale Auswirkungen von digitalen Technologien und digitaler Infrastruktur
  • Technologie- und Innovationsmarketing
  • Unternehmerischer Denk- und Handlungsweisenund Entscheidungsverhalten
  • Gründungsfinanzierung und Gründer:innenauswahl
  • Unternehmerisches Marketing



Laufende Projekte


Determinants and consequences of decision errors in innovation development: A comprehensive empirical investigation on the organizational and individual level


Successful innovation development remains crucial for organizational survival. However, innovation development is inherently uncertain and susceptible to erroneous decisions. In general, the two different types of erroneous decisions comprise Type 1 error, i.e., an erroneous “go” decision, and Type 2 error, i.e., an erroneous “no go” decision. In this context, Type 1 error manifests in a failed innovation and Type 2 error in a missed innovation. Whereas the former causes concrete costs such as R&D and marketing efforts, the latter predominantly causes opportunity costs in the form of foregone profits and market share. Since both decision errors emerge rather often, they are major aspects of unsuccessful innovation development and harmful to organizations. Therefore, it is important to understand the determinants and consequences of both decision errors. Not only to be able to address decision error occurrence in desired fashion, but also to understand the implications that each error brings. As such, the dissertation project aims at investigating both decision errors across the organizational and individual level to understand unsuccessful innovation development to a fuller extent, employing a thorough empirical, mixed-methods investigation.

For further information reach out to Björn Hofmann



Dissertation Working Title: „An Investigation of Decision Failures in Innovation Management“


In his research, Mr Nickel deals with decision behaviour and decision errors in innovation management, especially in the development of new products.  He is particularly interested in the human side of innovation management. For the first study of his dissertation, he plans to conduct a systematic literature review on decision errors in new product introduction to develop a holistic and better understanding of the antecedents and consequences of decision errors in innovation management. In the second study, he focuses on how past bad decisions (Type 1 vs. Type 2 Errors) affect the occurrence of Escalation of Commitment, the investing of resources in a failing (new product development) project. Examining how individuals learn from past failures through two different types of learning, namely learning through their own experience (experiential learning) and learning through observation of others (vicarious learning). Furthermore, in the context of erroneous decisions and the learning behaviour of individuals, he considers additional cognitive and emotional factors as possible moderators and mediators involved in the learning and subsequent decision-making processes.

For further information reach out to Julian Nickel



Dissertation Working Title: "An Investigation on the Human Factors in Cybersecurity and Privacy"


Humans are often referred to as the weakest link in cybersecurity. Consequently, companies tend to exclude humans from the system and prevent exploits technically.  However, new types of attacks are emerging every day that aim to bypass all technical protections through exploiting these very "human weaknesses" such as in the case of CEO Fraud. Thus, instead of building a wall at the end of the chain, it is crucial to change the role of humans in cybersecurity. That is, in other words, not just the role, but the understanding of human factors in general. Humans should be seen as an opportunity rather than a risk. However, for a successful implementation of this, an understanding of human needs, backgrounds, and capabilities should be created to break barriers of previous cybersecurity awareness programs. This dissertation project aims to explore the importance of understanding attitudes and emotions toward cybersecurity to ultimately create a positive approach to strengthening human capabilities in cyber defense. Furthermore, this project intends to apply insights of human factors in data protection to the adoption of innovations.

For further information reach out to: Alexandra von Preuschen



Dissertation Working Title: „Examining the Human Factor in Entrepreneurial Settings“.


In his research, Mr. Amend deals with human behaviour and decision making in an entrepreneurial context. Thereby, he is interested in combining interdisciplinary research streams and experimental reseach designs to expand new venture team formation research on an individual level.

For further information reach out to: Yannick Amend



Dissertation Working Title: "An Investigation of Human-Machine Interaction"

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has allowed firms to integrate AI-based technology in their operations. Since such technology can either augment or substitute frontline employees, customers increasingly must interact with non-human agents such as chatbots and service robots. The objective of this dissertation project is to capture the consequences of adoption of AI-based technology for various stakeholders. Furthermore, factors that contribute to the positive and negative consequences are to be identified, which can be relevant for the design of AI-based technology.

For further information reach out to: Ricky Herman



Abgeschlossene Projekte


Customer Integration in Innovation Development: Illuminating Different Design Aspects

  • Project members: Monika Schuhmacher, Anna-Lena Hanker, Sabine Kuester (Universität Mannheim)

Start-up Financing: How To Attract the “Right” Investors”

  • Project members: Monika Schuhmacher, Stephan Philippi, Jörn Block (Universität Trier), Christian Masiak (Universität Trier), Nicolai Bastian



Alumni Dissertationen:


  • Anna-Lena Hanker: “Customer Integration in Innovation Development: Illuminating Different Design Aspects”
  • Stephan Philippi: “Start-up Financing: How to Attract the “Right” Investors”
  • Petrit Ademi: “Corporate Venture Capital in the Digital Age” 
  • Philipp Schade: Cognitive Traits and Entrepreneurial Pursuits in the Digital Age: A Multi-layered Perspective”