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Vortrag: "The asymptotic geometry of the Hitchin metric"

Hartmut Weiß (Kiel)


01.11.2017 von 17:00 bis 18:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Hörsaal (1. Stock, Raum 111) im Mathematischen Institut, Arndtstraße 2

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The moduli space of Higgs bundles on a Riemann surface carries a distinguished hyperkähler metric, the so-called Hitchin metric. By virtue of being the total space of an integrable system, its regular part carries a simpler, semi-flat metric. In recent joint work with Rafe Mazzeo, Jan Swoboda and Frederik Witt we show that in the ends of this moduli space the Hitchin metric is well-approximated by the semi-flat metric. This is based on our earlier construction of solutions to Hitchin’s equation with large Higgs fields. In my talk I will spend most of the time explaining the basics of Higgs bundle theory, leading up to the construction of these two different metrics.