Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

GGS-Workshop: Introduction to the Peer Review Process. A Workshop for Early Career Researchers


25.04.2019 von 09:00 bis 17:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Seminarraum 315, Hauptgebäude, 3. Stock, Ludwigstr. 23, 35390

Name des Kontakts

Telefon des Kontakts

0641-99 21372


Der Workshop richtet sich an fortgeschrittene Promovierende und Postdocs des GGS

Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen


Referent: Prof. Dr. Elmar Schlüter
Termine: 25. April 2019, 9.00-17.00 Uhr
Max. Participants:





Leider muss der Workshop am 25. April ausfallen. Wir beabsichtigen jedoch, einen neuen Termin für die Veranstaltung im Wintersemester 2019/20 anzusetzen. Sobald wir weiteres wissen, finden Sie die entsprechenden Informationen auf der Website des GGS. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.


Peer review is the “lifeblood of research in academia […] the social structure that subjects research to the critical assessment of other researchers” (Bourdieu, 1975). More technically, peer review serves to evaluate the quality of articles for publication in journals.


Most new academics will sooner or later participate in the peer review process – both as authors and as reviewers. It is thus increasingly important to understand the formal and informal rules of the peer review system. This workshop transmits such theoretical knowledge and practical competences. Some of the core questions we will deal with are: What makes a good research article – and what makes a good peer review? Which types of peer review do exist? Which ethical aspects need to be considered when doing a peer review? What are key points of criticism of the current peer review system? How can I become a peer reviewer?


Further information is available in the syllabus.