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Seagull with can in it's beak

M.Sc. Sustainable Transition

Introduction to the Study Programme

Learn more on the Programme's Goals and Career Options

Course of Study

Get the details on the course of study, core and profile modules and further information on how to proceed.

How you will Study

You are still wondering how this online study programme will work out for you? Look up the details and learn more about the electronic systems of JLU!


Susan Bail, Australia
This degree convinces by teaching Sustainability in a holistic inter-disciplinary manner, equipping students with the skills to analyse today’s urgent challenges and opportunities, from a community to a global level.

The lecturers have put a lot of effort into making their courses engaging, with a variety of formats and regular assignments to help us manage the content over time.
Responsible for the content: Ben Kahl: Contact by e-mail