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Research projects & funding

6-12/2023 Principle investigator of the project Discourse marker usage in United Arab Emirates English – An analysis of spoken corpus data, funded by JLU Early Career Researcher Grant (EUR 4,674.89); Student assistants: Vanessa Nguyen, Leonie van Breda
since 2019 Affiliated researcher at the project The Acquisition of English in the Multilingual Classroom (AcEngMulCla), PIs Prof. Dr. Eivind N. Torgersen, Prof. Dr. Anna Krulatz, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
2019 - 2022 Affiliated researcher at the DFG-funded research project Language attitudes and repertoires in the Emirates (LARES), PIs Prof. Dr. Peter Siemund (University of Hamburg), PD Dr. Jakob Leimgruber (Universities of Freiburg & Basel), Prof. Dr. Ahmad Al-Issa (American University of Sharjah)
10/2017 Research grant of the Übersee-Club e.V. Hamburg; field work in Hanoi, Vietnam
2016 - 2019 Affiliated researcher at the project Mehrsprachigkeitsentwicklung im Zeitverlauf (MEZ – Multilingual development: A longitudinal perspective), University of Hamburg, Coordination: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ingrid Gogolin, PIs Prof. Dr. Christoph Gabriel, Prof. Dr. Michel Knigge, Prof. Dr. Marion Krause, Prof. Dr. Peter Siemund