Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


  • Konferenzen, Vorträge und Panels:
  • Sustainable Governance & Finance, Nachhaltigkeitswerkstatt 2023, GGS Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
  • Sustainable Finance Gipfel, Klimaneutrale Banken, Panel on "Gute Governance für Nachhaltigkeit: Empfehlungen und Beispiele für eine nachhaltigkeitsintegrierte Unternehmensführung in Banken" with Dr. Tobias Horn, Christian Reisinger, Erik Mundinger
  • Sustainable Impact in Action, "Impact investments: Lets walk the talk", Panel on "Three Pillars of Impact" with Prof. Dr. Timo Busch, Prof. Dr. Philipp Krüger and Prof. Dr. Judith Ströhle
  • Fachtagung ESG 2023: Die Umsetzung von rechtlichen und formalen Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in Unternehmen, Panel on "Die Grenzen der Sustainable Finance: worin sollten ESG-Fonds investieren?", with Hendrik Schmidt and Hans-Christoph Atzpodien
  • Corporate Governance & Engagement: International experience and German outlook, 13. DWS ESG Corporate Day
  • Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeit: Nachhaltigkeits-KPIs in Kreditverträgen und Vorstandsvergütung, Corporate Governance Working Breakfast, Corporate Governance Institute an der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • Fifty shades of green: ESG Investing and the long shadows of regulation, Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz der Erste Asset Management
  • DSW International Investors Conference "The Green Deal vs. Geopolitics", Panel on "Is Company Culture a Success Factor for Sustainability?" with Prof. Norbert Winkeljohann, Elke Eller and Michael Rüdiger
  • Presentation of DVFA Scorecard for Corporate Governance, Conference on Governance & Stewardship, DVFA
  • Sustainable Investing Conference, Panel on "Measuring Impact" with Prof. Dr. Ulf Moslener, Dagmar Nixdorf, Niels Nauhauser, Felix Oldenburg and Jan Hoffmann
  • Sustainable Investing between Geopolitical Risks and Regulatory Trends, 11th Asset Management Forum, DVFA
  • ESG-Investing - Trends and Developments, Fall Conference of Advisory Boards, Evangelische Bank
  • FEA Governance Summit, Panel on "The Supervisory Board and Its Responsibility for Sustainability" with Dr. Marcus Borchert, Nadine-Lan Hönighaus and Dr. Sandra Reich
  • Sustainable Management Compensation - Window Dressing or Good Governance? 2nd HCM CHRO Roundtable, HKP 
  • Green Finance - An Interdisciplinary Approach, CECS Inaugural Meeting at Bucerius Law School
  • ESMT Sustainable Business Roundtable, Panel on "Sustainable Accountability on Boards: What Are the Responsibilities of Non-Executive Directors?" with Dr. Nicola Kimm, Dr. Dorothea Wenzel and Daniela Mattheus 
  • Masterclass Sustainable Investing, DVFA and TUM
  • Sustainable Investing on Both Sides of the Atlantic, Capital Market Outlook Special, Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe
  • Schmalenbach Conference "The Future of Corporate Finance", Panel on "Responsibilities Beyond Core" with Dr. Melanie Kreis and Prof. Dr. Ralf Thomas
  • ESG Investing is no Broad Spectrum Antibiotic, 6th ESG Day, Nordea Asset Management
  • ESG, Strategy and Management Compensation, FEA Webinar
  • 5. Sustainable Finance Gipfel, Panel on "Quo Vadis Sustainable Finance - Erwartungen an die neue Bundesregierung" with Prof. Klaus-Michael Ahrend, Lavinia Bauerochse, Ulrike Lohr and Joachim von Schorlemer
  • Boca Corporate Finance & Governance Conference, Boca Raton, Florida, USA
  • Sustainable Management Compensation - Doing Good by Doing Well? PWC Seminar
  • 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association, poster session, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, San Diego, USA
  • Financial Management Association, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, with Thomas Heyden, European Conference, Limassol, Zypern

  • DVFA-Conference Governance & Stewardship, Panel on "Sustainable Investing, ESG Integration and Impact" with Anja Mikus, Frank Pierschel, Andreas Hilka and Gunnar Friede 

  • Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, Jahrestagung, Frankfurt

  • Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock


  • Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference, Does credit card repayment behavior depend on the presentation of interest payments? The cuckoo fallacy, with Florian Gärtner and Darwin Semmler, 2019, London, UK
  • EFMA Annual Meeting, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, with Thomas Heyden, 2019, S. Miguel, Portugal
  • 3rd Workshop Sustainable Finance, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
  • Conference “CSR Across the Atlantic”, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, Boston, US
  • 26th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, Essen, Germany
  • Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, with Thomas Heyden, 2019, Leipzig, Germany


  • 9th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, with Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Melbourne, Australien
  • 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, with Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Chicago, USA
  • Annual Conference of Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS), The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, with Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Freiburg i. Brsg, Germany


  • Verein für Socialpolitik, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, with Milena Schwarz, 2017, Wien, Austria
  • VHB Jahrestagung, Cash-flow sensitivities of interdependent corporate decisions - The role of financial constraints and hedging needs, with Carolin Schürg, 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Discourse Approaches to Financial Communication 2017, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, with Milena Schwarz, 2017, Lugano, Switzerland
  • Workshop Behavioral Finance for Policy and Regulation, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, with Milena Schwarz, 2017, Heidelberg, Germany


  • Research in Behavioral Finance Conference, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, with Milena Schwarz, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, with Milena Schwarz, 2016, Augsburg, Germany
  • 18th International Conference on Behavioural Accounting and Finance, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, with Milena Schwarz, 2016, San Francisco, USA