- Konferenzen, Vorträge und Panels:
- Sustainable Governance & Finance, Nachhaltigkeitswerkstatt 2023, GGS Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
- Sustainable Finance Gipfel, Klimaneutrale Banken, Panel on "Gute Governance für Nachhaltigkeit: Empfehlungen und Beispiele für eine nachhaltigkeitsintegrierte Unternehmensführung in Banken" with Dr. Tobias Horn, Christian Reisinger, Erik Mundinger
- Sustainable Impact in Action, "Impact investments: Lets walk the talk", Panel on "Three Pillars of Impact" with Prof. Dr. Timo Busch, Prof. Dr. Philipp Krüger and Prof. Dr. Judith Ströhle
- Fachtagung ESG 2023: Die Umsetzung von rechtlichen und formalen Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen in Unternehmen, Panel on "Die Grenzen der Sustainable Finance: worin sollten ESG-Fonds investieren?", with Hendrik Schmidt and Hans-Christoph Atzpodien
- Corporate Governance & Engagement: International experience and German outlook, 13. DWS ESG Corporate Day
- Herausforderung Nachhaltigkeit: Nachhaltigkeits-KPIs in Kreditverträgen und Vorstandsvergütung, Corporate Governance Working Breakfast, Corporate Governance Institute an der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Fifty shades of green: ESG Investing and the long shadows of regulation, Nachhaltigkeitskonferenz der Erste Asset Management
- DSW International Investors Conference "The Green Deal vs. Geopolitics", Panel on "Is Company Culture a Success Factor for Sustainability?" with Prof. Norbert Winkeljohann, Elke Eller and Michael Rüdiger
- Presentation of DVFA Scorecard for Corporate Governance, Conference on Governance & Stewardship, DVFA
- Sustainable Investing Conference, Panel on "Measuring Impact" with Prof. Dr. Ulf Moslener, Dagmar Nixdorf, Niels Nauhauser, Felix Oldenburg and Jan Hoffmann
- Sustainable Investing between Geopolitical Risks and Regulatory Trends, 11th Asset Management Forum, DVFA
- ESG-Investing - Trends and Developments, Fall Conference of Advisory Boards, Evangelische Bank
- FEA Governance Summit, Panel on "The Supervisory Board and Its Responsibility for Sustainability" with Dr. Marcus Borchert, Nadine-Lan Hönighaus and Dr. Sandra Reich
- Sustainable Management Compensation - Window Dressing or Good Governance? 2nd HCM CHRO Roundtable, HKP
- Green Finance - An Interdisciplinary Approach, CECS Inaugural Meeting at Bucerius Law School
- ESMT Sustainable Business Roundtable, Panel on "Sustainable Accountability on Boards: What Are the Responsibilities of Non-Executive Directors?" with Dr. Nicola Kimm, Dr. Dorothea Wenzel and Daniela Mattheus
- Masterclass Sustainable Investing, DVFA and TUM
- Sustainable Investing on Both Sides of the Atlantic, Capital Market Outlook Special, Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe
- Schmalenbach Conference "The Future of Corporate Finance", Panel on "Responsibilities Beyond Core" with Dr. Melanie Kreis and Prof. Dr. Ralf Thomas
- ESG Investing is no Broad Spectrum Antibiotic, 6th ESG Day, Nordea Asset Management
- ESG, Strategy and Management Compensation, FEA Webinar
- 5. Sustainable Finance Gipfel, Panel on "Quo Vadis Sustainable Finance - Erwartungen an die neue Bundesregierung" with Prof. Klaus-Michael Ahrend, Lavinia Bauerochse, Ulrike Lohr and Joachim von Schorlemer
- Boca Corporate Finance & Governance Conference, Boca Raton, Florida, USA
- Sustainable Management Compensation - Doing Good by Doing Well? PWC Seminar
- 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association, poster session, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, San Diego, USA
Financial Management Association, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, with Thomas Heyden, European Conference, Limassol, Zypern
DVFA-Conference Governance & Stewardship, Panel on "Sustainable Investing, ESG Integration and Impact" with Anja Mikus, Frank Pierschel, Andreas Hilka and Gunnar Friede
Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, Jahrestagung, Frankfurt
Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock
- Behavioural Finance Working Group Conference, Does credit card repayment behavior depend on the presentation of interest payments? The cuckoo fallacy, with Florian Gärtner and Darwin Semmler, 2019, London, UK
- EFMA Annual Meeting, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, with Thomas Heyden, 2019, S. Miguel, Portugal
- 3rd Workshop Sustainable Finance, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, University of Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- Conference “CSR Across the Atlantic”, Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, Boston, US
- 26th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF), Doing Safe by Doing Good: Risk and Return of ESG Investing in the U.S. and Europe, with Yannik Bofinger and Björn Rock, 2019, Essen, Germany
- Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik, The dynamics of SMEs' capital structure and performance: Evidence from a panel VAR, with Thomas Heyden, 2019, Leipzig, Germany
- 9th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, with Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Melbourne, Australien
- 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, with Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Chicago, USA
- Annual Conference of Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS), The Ceiling Trumps the Cliff - Gender-Related Promotion Patterns to German and British Management Boards, with Myriam N. Bechtoldt and Björn Rock, 2018, Freiburg i. Brsg, Germany
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, with Milena Schwarz, 2017, Wien, Austria
- VHB Jahrestagung, Cash-flow sensitivities of interdependent corporate decisions - The role of financial constraints and hedging needs, with Carolin Schürg, 2017, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Discourse Approaches to Financial Communication 2017, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, with Milena Schwarz, 2017, Lugano, Switzerland
- Workshop Behavioral Finance for Policy and Regulation, Gender- and education-related effects of financial literacy and confidence on financial wealth, with Milena Schwarz, 2017, Heidelberg, Germany
- Research in Behavioral Finance Conference, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, with Milena Schwarz, 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Verein für Socialpolitik, Jahrestagung, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, with Milena Schwarz, 2016, Augsburg, Germany
- 18th International Conference on Behavioural Accounting and Finance, Gender differences in financial risk taking: The role of financial literacy and risk tolerance, with Milena Schwarz, 2016, San Francisco, USA