Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Yan Cheng

Yan Cheng

Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am ZMI (Koordinatorin für China Affairs JLU)


Yan Cheng

Projekttitel: Media Frames of Climate Justice in China



The climate change has been globalized and politicized in recent decades. It appears to be a global issue that calls for cooperation, of which the key problem lies in the question of who should take how much historical/present/future responsibility to deal with climate change. This is often closely bound to the notion of climate justice that each country holds. If and how a (relatively) justice climate deal can be agreed by as many as possible actors is vital for the global to combat climate change together. Thus is necessitates the scholar to explore the notion of climate justice of different actors especially big actors such as China. This project is based on the assumption that the media play an important role in communicating the issue of climate change in general and the notion of climate justice in specific. The project is then going to answer the following questions: (a) Which media frames of climate justice can be found from the studied newspapers? (b) Are there any similarities or/and differences among the media frames of climate justice represented by the newspapers? (c) What are the social and political implications of those similarities and differences?



“Media Representations of China’s Role in Climate Politics at the Copenhagen Summit”, In: Bienvenido León (ed.), Communicating climate change: from global agenda to media representation, Proceedings of the 28th CICOM International Conference on Communication. Salamanca: Comunicación Social S.C. 2014, PP. 44-64.
