Dr. Dorian Chanfi
Dr. Dorian Chanfi
Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow
Mathematisches Institut
Arndtstraße 2
35392 Gießen
Raum: 4
Tel.: 0641 99-32081
Fax: 0641 99-32049
E-Mail: Dorian.Chanfi@math.uni-giessen.de
Research interests: Linear algebraic groups and associated geometries, Bruhat-Tits theory.
Articles and preprints:
- Pragmatic finiteness properties of locally compact groups (with Stefan Witzel).
arXiv:2410.06685. - Polyhedral compactifications of Bruhat-Tits buildings of quasi-reductive groups.
arXiv:2206.04775. Submitted. - Wonderful compactifications of Bruhat-Tits buildings in the non-split case.
Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 260, pp. 105-140 (2024). DOI.