Liste Theses
Liste der abgeschlossenen Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeiten.
Sabrina Darmawi, Search for the 3D2 Charmonium State, Bachelorthesis, 2008
Matthias Ullrich, Untersuchungen zur invarianten Vierteilchenmasse des Zerfalls B± →K± J/ψ π+ π− , Bachelorthesis, 2008
Martin Galuska, Suche nach dem ηb in den Zerfällen: Υ(3S), Υ(4S), Υ(5S) →ηb ω, Bachelorthesis, 2008
Stephanie Künze, Nachweis von Anti-Deuteronen und Suche nach anti-Tritonen in e+e− Kollisionen, Bachelorthesis, 2008
Diego Semmler, Suche nach anti-4He in e+e− Kollisionen, Bachelorthesis, 2009
David Münchow, Parallelisierung von Tracking Algorithmen fuer den Einsatz auf einer FPGA-Plattform, Diplomarbeit, 2009
Daniel Wagner, Implementierung eines schnellen Memory-Controllers für eine FPGA-Architektur im Rahmen des PANDA Projekts, Bachelorthesis, 2010
Thomas Geßler, An IPMI-Based Slow Control System for Data Acquisition in the PANDA Experiment, Masterthesis, 2010
Milan Wagner, Suche nach Charmoniumzuständen mit Proton-Antiproton Endzuständen im Rahmen des Belle-Experiments, Bachelorthesis, 2010
Marcel Werner, Suche nach dem Yb(10889) in e+ e− →BB(π±)(π∓), Masterthesis, 2010
Matthias Ullrich, Klassifikation von Υ(5S)→B(*)B(*), B(*)B(*) π, B(*)B(*) ππ und Bs(*)Bs(*) einem selbstorganisierenden Neuronalen Netz, Masterthesis, 2010
Stephanie Künze, Präzise Messung der Wirkungsquerschnitte für e+ e− → anti-d X, anti-t X, anti-3He X, Masterthesis, 2011
Dennis Getzkow, Suche nach hochangeregten Charmonium–ähnlichen Zuständen mit einer Photon–Recoil– Methode am Belle Experiment, Bachelorthesis, 2012
Klemens Lautenbach Netzwerkanbindung und Echtzeit-Visualisierung von Belle II Pixeldaten, Bachelorthesis, 2013
Diego Semmler, Rekonstruktion von Endzuständen mit Antikernen im Belle Experiment Masterthesis, 2013
Milan Wagner, Search for Charmonium and Charmonium–like States in Bs Decays with l+l−π+π−K+K– Final State at the Belle Experiment Masterthesis, 2013
Leonard Koch, Suche nach exotischen Charmonium-ähnlichen Zuständen in Bs -Zerfällen an Belle Experiment, Bachelorthesis, 2013
Christopher L. Hahn, Datengenerator und Binärformatierer für das PANDA Experiment, Bachelorthesis, 2014
Dennis Getzkow, High Level Trigger Interface for PXD-Event Filtering, Masterthesis, 2015
Thomas Geßler, Entwicklung von FPGA-basierten Algorithmen für die Datenaufnahme des Belle II Pixeldetektors, Dissertation, 2015
Klemens Lautenbach, Implementation of the Cluster Pixel Data Format into the Belle II Analysis Framework, Masterthesis, 2015
Leonard Koch, Investigation of a Track Finding Method for the Increase of the Detection Efficiency of Ks0 Mesons at the Belle II Experiment, Masterthesis, 2015
Milan Nicolas Wagner, Studies towards the data acquisition of the PANDA experiment and measurement of for a new upper limit of the production cross section of pp→hc , Dissertation, 2016
David Münchow, Development of the online data reduction system and feasibility studies of 6-layer tracking for the Belle II pixel detector, Dissertation, 2015
Thomas Geßler, Development of FPGA-based algorithms for the data acquisition of the Belle II pixel detector, Dissertation, 2015
Peter Lehnhardt, Implementation of a fit algorithm for narrow resonances with quantum mechanical interference between signal and background, Bachelorthesis, 2016
Katharina Dort, Search for Highly Ionizing Particles with the Pixel Detector in the Belle II Experiment, Master Thesis, 2019
Stephanie Käs, Multiparameter Analysis of the Belle II Pixeldetector’s Data Using Principal Components Analysis and Neural Networks, Bachelor Thesis, 2019
Lukas Holler, Classification of low momentum π0 Mesons at the Belle II experiment by use of deep learning algorithms, Bachelor Thesis, 2020
Klemens Lautenbach, High Speed Data Multiplexer for the Belle II Pixel Detector and Search for an Exotic Resonance at the D*0 anti-D*0 Threshold in Charged B Meson Decays, Dissertation, 2021
Nils Ludwig, Analysis of the X(4014) → D*0 anti-D0 π0 decay at Belle II, Bachelor thesis, 2021
Johannes Bilk, Employing Deep Learning to Find Slow Pions in the Pixel Detector in the Belle II Experiment, Master thesis, 2021
Matthäus Krein, Firmware Implementations for the Upgrade of the Data Acquisition System of the Belle II Pixel Detector, Master thesis, 2021
Timo Schellhaas, Identification of slow pions by support vector machines, Bachelor thesis, 2022
Stephanie Käs, Deep und Machine Learning-based classifiers in particle physics and in the railway industry, Master thesis, 2022
Katharina Dort, Simulation Studies and Characterisation of Monolithic Silicon Pixel-Detector Prototypes for Future Collider Detectors and Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Belle II Pixel-Detector Data, Dissertation, 2022
Carolin Grün, Analysis of the decay X(4014) → D*0 anti-D*0 at the Belle II experiment, Bachelor thesis, 2022
Christian Winklmeier, Analysis of the decay X(4014) → X(3872)(→D*0 anti-D0) π0 at the Belle II experiment, Bachelor thesis, 2023