In die AG iQNP / Join qnpi group
Möglichkeiten der Mitarbeit in der AG iQNP / Opportunities for joint research in the qnpi group
Allgemeines / Preface
Die unverbindlichen Vorschläge und Hinweise auf dieser Unterseite hier können nur im Verbund mit den Regelungen und Richtlinien der JLU Gießen angemessen betrachtet und interpretiert werden. Auch sollen im Rahmen der Forschungstätigkeit die Richtlinien der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft eingehalten und respektiert werden. / The nonbinding suggestions and hints on this subpage here may only be regarded and interpreted in an appropriate fashion in connection with the rules and guidelines of the JLU Gießen. Also, as part of research endeavors, the guidelines of the German Research Foundation shall be observed and respected.
Dies ist eine englischsprachig arbeitende Forschungsgruppe mit vielen internationalen Kooperationen und Partnern, weshalb weitere Details in der aufrechterhaltenen Arbeitssprache auf Englisch übermittelt werden. / We are a research group with international team members, cooperation groups and partners, and accordingly mainly English speakers. Thus, group-internal communications will generally take place in the English language, the same with below given details.
(in Bearbeitung)
Abschlussarbeiten und Projektmitarbeit:
Master-Thesis und HiWi-artige Tätigkeiten - Supervisor: Arash.Rahimi-Iman [at] physik (office: GI-99-33124)
i) A crystalline subject seeking a crystallized mind:
You are interested in crystals, but less for the material value than for the knowledge of its inner life and context?
You bring a sense for order, structured thinking and the ability to abstract - paired with team spirit, sedateness and programming experience?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "Crystals".
ii) Vertical material growth enabling personal skill growth:
You enjoy practical work in nanomaterials sciences, with aspiration of precision, logic and quality?
You have dealt with model-building (e.g. as spare-time activity), design and color application techniques?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "Coating".
iii) 3D design meets light and print:
You show problem-solving skills and the ability to abstract, and quality and order are no loanword for you?
You bring experience in 3D printing, computer design and programming?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "P3D4-Light".
iv) Nanophotonic structures need production manager:
You appreciate keeping the result of your work in hands, do not spare efforts to get the outcome right and work with serenity?
You have patience, believe a recipe in the clean-room and a cooking recipe have much in common, and your predominantly meticulous work benefits your production efforts?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "Nanophotonic".
v) Neural network hopes for good IT-proven teacher:
You are keen on learning and exploring novel optimization techniques, and you value simplification and automation?
You are eager to contribute advanced Python skills and knowhow of an up-to-date a.i. API for machine learning, and your neurons are trained?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "Neural-Nets".
vi) Master of 2D matter (for light-matter interactions):
You do not mind delicate or slow tasks, handicraft is your hobby and you thrive on carefully inspecting your own produce?
You strive to understand physics, do not shun lab work and feel comfortable in air-conditioned dark rooms?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "2D-Matter".
vii) Master of microcavity control and characterization (for quantum photonics):
Your desire to achieve good data and exquisite control on micro- or nanoscales with high finger-tip sensitivity is pronounced?
Weak light-matter coupling doesn't sound weak to you, you know optics and quantum mechanics I?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "Light-Field".
viii) Master of application oriented (also with clean-room) work:
Your preference in device-oriented work is proven by your hobbies, you can handle electronics and lasers, quality matters to you?
You have finger-tip sensitivity and humbleness, you refrain from bragging in success situations and carry tolerance for production faults?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "Construct".
ix) Master of laser physics (and technology):
You would like to explore novel laser sources, the physics behind means more than the power to you, and you value electrical engineering?
You have training in photonics, you can apply numerical Fourier transformations, and have a calm hand?
Feel free to phone in or write a short email with brief reference to this page and the keyword "Lasing".
Last update: September 2022
Projektstellen - Projektleiter: Arash.Rahimi-Iman [at] physik (office: GI-99-33124)
- (n/a)
Joining the group and its teams from abroad:
About acquiring financial support (fellowships) and becoming visiting scholar
Die AG iQNP unterstützt diverse Förderschienen und zweckmäßige Möglichkeiten für interessante und weiterbildende Forschungsaufenthalte, sei es mithilfe von DAAD Stipendien, DFG Postdocförderungmitteln oder EU-Horizon-MSCA (individual) fellowships.
The qnpi-group supports a variety of scholarship schemes and meaningful possibilities to accommodate scholars for interesting and educative research stays, e.g. with the help of DAAD or DFG scholarships as well as EU-Horizon-MSCA (individual) fellowships.
Außerdem sind bei institutioneller Anbindung an einer Universität im In- und Ausland Gastaufenthalte innerhalb kooperativer Projekte sowie im sinnvollen Rahmen und Ausmaß auch vorstellbar (bei gesicherter und nachweisbarer Finanzierungsmittel). Individuelle Anfragen sind bitte und ausschließlich per Email in unformatierter Textform mit bis zu 500 Wortern an die AG Leitung zu richten, unter Angabe der aktuellen Hochschulaffiliation und einer akademischen Referenzperson.
Besides, given a valid institute affiliation at a university abroad or within Germany, guest stays within a cooperative project and reasonable frame as well as scope are imaginable, too (provided that financial means are secured and provable). Individual queries are please directed solely via email in unformated text form with up to 500 words to the head of the group, with reference to the interested person's current affiliation and an academic reference person.