Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dr. Romain Scalone

Koordination ICIPS

Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Institut für Botanik

AG Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 38

35392 Gießen

Tel. +49 641 99-35202


Wissenschaftliche Laufbahn

1999 – 2005       studied Natural Sciences & Biology in Paris (Paris Diderot & Paris-Sud Universities) – France

2001      2-year Diploma “D.E.U.G.” in Nature and Life Sciences, 1-year Diploma “Licence” in Natural Sciences, 1-year Diploma “Maîtrise” in Natural Sciences (Paris Diderot University, Paris - France) & 1-year Diploma “Maîtrise” in Populations and Ecosystems Sciences (Paris-Sud University, Orsay – France)

2005      Master of Sciences in Evolutionary Biology and Genetics (Paris-Sud University, Orsay – France)

2011      PhD in Natural Sciences (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz  JGU- Germany)

2012 – 2016       Postdoc in Plant Biology (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, Uppsala - Sweden)

2019 – 2025       Postdoc in Plant Breeding (Hochschule Geisenheim University, Geisenheim HGU – Germany) – part-time

2021 – 2025       Scientific Coordinator (Justus-Liebig University JLU, Gießen – Germany) – part-time


Publications (since 2014)

  • Battlay P, Wilson J, Bieber V, Lee C, Prapas D, Petersen B, Craig S, Van Boheemen L, Scalone R, de Silva N, Sharma A, Konstantinović B, Nurkowski L, Rieseberg L, Connallon T, Martin M, Hodgins K 2023 Large haploblocks underlie rapid adaptation in the invasive weed Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Nature Communications 14 (1): 1717.
  • Prapas D, Scalone R, Lee J, Nurkowski K, Bou-assi S, Rieseberg L, Battlay P &  Hodgins K 2022 Quantitative trait loci mapping reveals an oligogenic architecture of a rapidly adapting trait during the European invasion of common ragweed. Evolutionary Applications 15 (8): 1249-1263. DOI: 10.1111/eva.13453
  • Markovic D, Colzi I, Taiti C, Ray S, Scalone R, Ali J, Mancuso S & Ninkovic V 2019 Airbone signals synchronize the defenses of neighboring plants in response to touch. Journal of Experimental Botany 70(2): 691–700.
  • Kralemann L*, Scalone R*, Andersson L & Hennig L 2018 North European invasion by common ragweed is associated with early flowering and dominant changes in FT/TFL1 Journal of Experimental Botany 69(10): 2647–2658. – * first co-authors –
  • Meyer L, Causse R, Pernin F, Scalone R, Bailly G, Chauvel B, Délye C & Le Corre V 2017 New gSSR and EST-SSR markers reveal high genetic diversity in the invasive plant Ambrosia artemisiifolia and can be transferred to other invasive Ambrosia species. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176197.
  • Chapman D, Scalone R, Štefanić E, Bullock J 2017 Mechanistic species distribution modeling reveals a niche shift during invasion. Ecology, 98 (6): 1671-1680.
  • Hasani R, Mehregan I, Larijani K, Nejadsattari T & Scalone R 2017 Survey of the impacts of soil and climatic variations on the production of essential oils in Heracleum persicum. Biodiversitas, 18 (1): 365-377. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d180148
  • Scalone R, Lemke A, Štefanić E, Kolseth A-K, Rasic S, Andersson L 2016 Phenological variation in Ambrosia artemisiifolia facilitates near-future establishment at northern latitudes. PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166510.
  • Scalone R & Albach D 2014 Cytological evidence for gametophytic self-incompatibility in the genus Veronica. Turkish Journal of Botany, 38(1): 197-201.