Veranstaltungen am FB 08
Sustainable Chemistry at the Justus Liebig University - Presentation of the new International Masters Program
Most of our current research focuses on actively proliferating cells - yet many biological systems experience periods of restricted growth. This symposium explores emerging concepts of critical roles for chromatin and RNA in non-proliferating states.
Allgemeine Sicherheitsunterweisung im Chemiegebäude HBR 17-19 / General safety instruction in the chemistry building HBR 17-19
Allgemeine Sicherheitsunterweisung im Chemiegebäude HBR 17-19 / General safety instruction in the chemistry building HBR 17-19
Allgemeine Sicherheitsunterweisung im Chemiegebäude HBR 17-19 / General safety instruction in the chemistry building HBR 17-19