Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dr. Deborah de Muijnck

Über mich

Dr. Deborah de Muijnck ist wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin der Internationalisierungstätigkeiten am GCSC sowie des European PhD Network „Literary and Cultural Studies“ an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Sie konzeptualisiert, organisiert und leitet (inter-)nationale Forschungsveranstaltungen wie Konferenzen, Summerschools und Symposien und koordiniert die binationalen Promotionsverfahren am Zentrum. Besonders eng kooperiert sie hier mit unseren Partneruniversitäten Stockholm, Helsinki, Warwick, Graz, Bergamo, und der Cátolica in Lissabon, sowie mit teilnehmenden Universitäten des ESSCS. Sie leitet die Publikation von netzwerkbezogenen Forschungsergebnissen, fungiert als strategische Unterstützung des Internationalisierungs-Managements, und unterrichtet Seminare in B.A./M.A.-Studiengängen in anglophoner Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft sowie Doktorand_Innenkursen für Forschungs- und Selbstmanagement. Im Sommersemester 2023 war sie als Affiliate am Institute for World Literature an der Harvard Universität. 

Von 2019 - 2023 war sie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Englische Literaturwissenschaft der RWTH Aachen, wo sie 2022 ihre Dissertation abschloss. In dieser Arbeit mit dem Titel Cultural Models of Narrative Identity: The Case of Military Autobiographical Writing untersucht sie wie britische Soldaten und Veteranen ihre Identitäten nach Kriegserfahrungen durch autobiografisches Erzählen rekonstruieren. Weitere Publikationen wie Pandemic Storytelling (Brill, im Erscheinen) thematisieren die wechselseitige Beeinflussung von Pandemien und Narrativität, den Einfluss nicht-normativer Lebenserfahrungen auf das Erzählen (Poetics of Disturbances - Narratives of Non-Normative Minds and Bodies. Brill, bevorstehend.), sowie die wechselseitigen Beziehung zwischen Erzählung, Kultur und Identität (Routledge Companion, erscheint demnächst). 

Ihre zweite Monographie (Habilitation) untersucht literarische Skandale als Formen kultureller Überschreitung in der englischen Literatur vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Ihre Forschungsinteressen umfassen neben Ökokritik, kognitiver Narratologie und den Medical Humanities zeitgenössische britische Literatur, Literaturgeschichte vom 18-20. Jahrhundert, sowie kontemporäre indigene Literatur der Maori und Aboriginals.

Dr. de Muijnck arbeitete als Online-Redakteurin in Köln, Berlin, Dortmund, München und Aachen und reiste von 2015 bis zu ihrer Ansiedlung in der Wissenschaft im Jahr 2019 als analoge Fotografin und Künstlerin rund um den Globus.
ORCID-ID: 0000-0002-7863-2011




  • de Muijnck, Deborah. Cultural Models of Narrative Identity: The Case of Military Autobiographical Writing. Aachen: RWTH Aachen Publications, 2022 (dissertation)

Edited Volumes:

  •  de Muijnck, Deborah, Jan Alber, Jessica Jumpertz. Pandemic Storytelling. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming
  • de Muijnck, Deborah, et. al. Poetics of Disturbances - Narratives of Non-Normative Minds and Bodies. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming
  • de Muijnck, Deborah, Ansgar Nünning. Troubling Time(s): Questioning Prevailing Notions of Time in the Study of Literature and Culture. Trier: WVT (in progress)

Articles in peer reviewed edited volumes:

  • de Muijnck, Deborah. 'The Transformative Power of Literature in Challenging Eras: Time, Trouble, and Hope for the Future. Troubling Time(s): Questioning Prevailing Notions of Time in the Study of Literature and Culture. Trier: WVT (in progress)
  • de Muijnck, Deborah.'Salutogenesis and the Trope of the Dying Girl: Cognitive and Affective Strategies in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction.' New Conjunctures and Directions in Literary and Cultural Studies (eds. Nünning/Pfalzgraf). Tübingen: Narr 2024 (forthcoming)
  • de Muijnck, Deborah, Jan Alber, Jessica Jumpertz. "Introduction" (Working Title)’. Pandemic Storytelling, Brill, forthcoming.

  • de Muijnck, Deborah, et. al. ‘Introduction: 4E Cognition, Phenomenology, and the Body-Mind-Nexus (Working Title)’. Poetics of Disturbances - Narratives of Non-Normative Minds and Bodies, Brill, forthcoming.

  • de Muijnck, Deborah, Francesca Wessing, Nalin Camur, and Linda Wetzel. ‘Plot’. Introduction to Cognitive Narratology, edited by Jan Alber and Peter Wenzel, vol. 24, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2021, pp. 119–42.

  • Schneider, Ralf, and Deborah de Muijnck. ‘Methods of Reception Theory and Cognitive Approaches - From Reception Aesthetics to Cognitive Poetics’. Methods of Textual Analysis in Literary Studies - Approaches, Basics, Model Interpretations, edited by Vera Nünning and Ansgar Nünning, vol. 23, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2020, pp. 251–72.


Articles in peer reviewed journals:

  • de Muijnck, Deborah. ‘Narrative, Memory and PTSD. A Case Study of Autobiographical Narration After Trauma’. European Journal of Life Writing, vol. 11, Apr. 2022, pp. 75–95
  • de Muijnck, Deborah. When Breath Becomes Air: Constructing Stable Narrative Identity during Terminal Illness. Colloquy: Text, Theory, Critique (38), 2019, p. 44-69.

Articles in handbooks and encyclopedias:

  • de Muijnck, Deborah. 'Narrative, Culture, and Identity'. Routledge Companion to Literature and Cognitive Studies, edited by Jan Alber and Ralf Schneider. Routledge (in progress)
  • de Muijnck, Deborah. 'Piranesi'. Kindler's Literaturlexikon, edited by Vera Nünning. Springer (in progress).


  • de Muijnck, Deborah.‘Lena Linne. 2019. Unlived Lives in English Literature: A Typological Study. Anglia, vol. 138, no. 4, Nov. 2020, pp. 730–33. 
Ausgewählte Vorträge

11/2023: "Obsession, Delusion, and the Abuse of Power: Narrative Techniques of Neutralization in Vladimir Nabokov’s Scandalous Lolita". Konferenz: Literary Scandals as Forms of Cultural Transgression (JLU Giessen)

09/2023: "Cultural Models of Narrative Identity as Post-Trauma Sense-Making Strategies”. Deutscher Anglistiktag 2023. Sektion: Narratives of Health and Illness

07/2023: “Retelling Perspectives of 21st Century Migration”, Postmodernism Colloquium, Institute for World Literature, Harvard University (USA). 

06/2023: Eingeladene Gastsprecherin im Narrative Research Roundtable gemeinsam mit Prof. Sylvie Patron (Paris), Prof. Hanna Meretoja (Turku), Prof. Jan Alber (Gießen), Prof. Molly Andrews (London), Prof. Richard Walsh (York), Prof. John Pier (Tours/Paris), Prof. Mari Hatavara (Tampere). Narrative Matters Konferenz, Tampere (Finnland). 15.06.2023

06/2023: “Cosmodernism and New World Literature: Conceptualizations of Home(-sickness), Moral Values, and Sense of Obligation in Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Gravel Heart. Narrative Matters Konferenz, Tampere Universität (Finnland), 16.06.2023

"How to finish your dissertation under extreme time constraints". Invited guest speaker to the conference Troubling Time(s): Questioning Prevailing Notions of Time in the Study of Literature and Culture, Justus-Liebig Universität, Gießen (Germany). 28.10.2022

"A Story of War and All That Follows - Time and Temporality in Post-Trauma Narratives". Narrative2022 Conference, University of Chichester, Chichester (United Kingdom). 29.06.2022

"Narratives of Displacement - Altruistic Sense-Making through Autobiographical Storytelling in (Former) Refugees". Konferenz der International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), University of Liverpool, Liverpool (United Kingdoms). 23.06.2021

"Cultural Models, Narrative Identity and Literary Genre - Narrative Life Through Culturally Conventionalized Plots". Narrative2021 Konferenz, Ohio State University, Online-Konferenz. 27.05.2021

“Cultural Models and Narrative Identity: The Case of Military, Autobiographical Writing“. Invited Guest Speaker at the Aston Literary Linguistics Research Seminar Series, Aston University, Birmingham (United Kingdom, held online). 03.03.2021

"Autobiographical Storytelling: Constructing Relatively Stable Narrative Selfhood During Terminal Illness". Narrative 2020 Conference, Mississippi State University, New Orleans. 06.03.2020

"Mission Narratives: Creating Purpose-Driven Narrative Identity through Autobiographical Storytelling after War-Experience". Narratives of Displacement Conference, St. Anne's College, University of Oxford. 26. October 2019


Literary Scandals in English Literature from the 18th - 21st Century, Cognitive Narratology, Ecocriticism, Medical Humanities, Contemporary Maori and Aboriginal Storytelling


Summer Term 2023
Academic Writing

Winter term 2022/23
Guest Lectureship: An Exploration of Fear: Gothic and Horror Literature of the 18th-20th Century (University of Witten-Herdecke, Studium Fundamentale)
Applications of Periods of English and American Literature

Summer term 2022
Contemporary Black British Writing
Practical Introduction to Literary Studies

Winter term 2021/22
“If you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain”: Contemporary Maori Literature
Applications of Periods of English and American Literature

Summer term 2021
Practical Introduction to Literary Studies

Winter term 2020/21
Shakespeare's Tragedies
Applications of Periods of English and American Literature

Summer term 2020
The Gothic Novel: Cognitive Approaches to Horror in Literature
Practical Introduction to Literary Studies

Winter term 2019/20
Dickens and the Victorian Era
Applications of Periods of English and American Literature

Summer term 2019
Practical Introduction to Literary Studies


International Society for the Study of Narrative

IGEL - International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature

Deutscher Anglistenverband

Organisation von akademischen Veranstaltungen (ausgewählt)

  • 02/2024: Konzeption, Co-Organisation und Co-Koordination des 3. PhDnet Doktorandensymposiums, Universität Bergamo, Italien. Gastredner: Prof. Emer. Angela Locatelli (Universität Bergamo)
  • 12/2023: Begrüßungsworte, Moderation, und organisatorische Unterstützung der Konferenz Cognition, Culture, Narrative (JLU Gießen)
  • 11/2023: Konzeption, Co-Organisation und Co-Koordination der Konferenz Literary Scandals as Forms of Cultural Transgression, Keynote Speaker: Prof. Stephan Karschay (FU Berlin)
  • 09/2023: Konzeption, Co-Organisation und Co-Koordination des 2. PhDnet Doktorandensymposiums, Universität Warwick, England. Gastredner:Prof. Fabio Camilletti
  • 06/2023: Organisation und Koordination der European Summerschool in Cultural Studies (ESSCS) in Kooperation mit dem Netzwerk TransHumanities (Bern). Thema: Bouncing Foward: Future Narratives, Scenarios, and Transformations in the Study of Culture, JLU Gießen, Deutschland. Keynote Speaker: Ansgar Nünning (JLU Gießen); Ursula Heise (UCLA, online), Jörg Metelmann (St. Gallen), Susie O’Brien (McMaster University)
  • 05/2023: Organization and co-coordination of the 1st PhDnet doctoral Symposium, University of Helsinki. Guest speakers: Jan Rupp (JLU Gießen), Anna Ovaska (Tampere University), Natalya Bekhta (Tampere University)
  • 11/2020 - 04/2021: Organization and management of the Pandemic Storytelling Event Series. Guest speakers: Erica Charters (Faculty of History, Oxford Univesity), Rita Charon (Division of Narrative Medicine, Columbia University), Elena Semino ((Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University), Jarmila Mildorf (Department of English and American Literature and Culture, Paderborn University), Stefan Iversen (Department for Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus University), Molly Andrews (Department of Social Sciences, University of East London), Christoph ernst (Department of Media Studies, Bonn University) , Jens Schröter (Department of Media Studies, Bonn University), Ansgar Nünning (Department of English and American Literature and Culture, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen), Vera Nünning (English Department, University of Heidelberg), Jim Phelan (Department of English, Ohio State University), Marina Grishakova (Professor, Institute of Cultural Research, University of Tartu), Anneke Sools Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Health and Technology, University of Twente
    and the Research group on Narrative, Culture, and Cognition at the University of Tartu, Estonia. November 2020 - June 2021