Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


WoTuPro: Speed-Friending

27.04.2017 von 20:30 bis 23:55 Lokal International, Eichendroffring 111,
You may know the romantic Speed-Dating, but you've never heard of Speed-Friending!

WoTuPro: Lasertag

13.05.2017 von 19:00 bis 23:55 Erdkauter Weg 50, Legendary Lasertag,
We will play legendary lasertag like Barney Stinson!

Round Table for International PhD Students

17.01.2018 von 19:30 bis 22:00 Lokal International,
Monthly round table for international PhD students and their families. The meetings are intendet to come together and meet new people, to chat and build a network, and to exchange experience. Leave the lab and library behind for an evening with old and new friends.