Prof. Dr. Frank Walter
- Prof. Dr. Frank Walter
Head of Department BWL VIII
Telephone & Telefax:0641 / 99-22 100 (Office)0641 / 99-22 109 (Fax)
Contact information:Department of Organization and Human Resource Management (BWL VIII)Licher Straße 62
35394 Gießen
GermanyOffice hours:Please make an appointment by E-Mail
Curriculum Vitae
- Curriculum Vitae
Academic Positions:
- since 2014: Full Professor, Department of Organization and HRM, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
- 2014-2022: Visiting Research Fellow, University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business
- 2014 (April - June): Lecturer Human Resource Management, Department of Organization and HRM, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
- 2011-2014: Associate Professor, University of Groningen, Department of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior
- 2008-2011: Assistant Professor, University of Groningen, Department of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior
- 2004-2008: Research Associate, University of St. Gallen, Institute for Leadership and HRM
Academic Education:- 2004-2008: University of St. Gallen (Ph.D.)
- 2003-2004: San Francisco State University (visiting student, College of Business)
- 1998-2003: University of Konstanz (Dipl. Verw.-wiss.)
Awards and Recognitions:- Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal (2022)
- Best Paper Award, European Academy of Management Conference (Organizational Behavior – Team Performance Management Track) (2022)
- Best Paper 2018 Runner Up, Journal of Organizational Behavior (2019)
- Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Organizational Behavior (2018)
- Best Reviewer Award, Academy of Management Journal (2016)
- Paper nominated for the Best Scientist-Practitioner Presentation at the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology conference (EAWOP, 2015)
- Manuscripts featured in the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2019, 2017, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2009, and 2008)
- Outstanding Junior Researcher 2009 Award, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen
- Highly Commended Paper, Sixth Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (EMONET VI, 2008)
- Best Paper Award, Fifth Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life (EMONET V, 2006)
- Scholarship, German-American Fulbright Foundation (2003-2004)
- Scholarship, Richard-Schieber-Foundation (2003)
Editorial Positions and Reviewing:- Associate Editor
- Journal of Organizational Behavior (since 2020)
- Organizational Psychology Review (2017-2019)
- Guest Editor
- Work, Aging and Retirement, Special Issue "Age and Emtions in Organizations" (2021)
- Member of the Editorial Board
- Leadership Quarterly (since 2015)
- Academy of Management Journal (since 2013)
- Journal of Organizational Behavior (2012-2020)
- Ad-hoc reviewer, e.g. for Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Leadership Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Organizational Psychology Review, Small Group Research, Journal of Managerial Psychology, British Journal of Management, Group Dynamics
Memberships:- Academy of Management
- German Academic Association for Business Research (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft)
- Deutscher Hochschulverband
- Publications
In Press
- Leicht-Deobald, U., Backmann, J., De Vries, T. A., Weiss, M., Hohmann, S., Walter, F., Van der Vegt, G. S., & Hoegl, M. In press. A contingency framework for the performance consequences of team boundary management: A meta-analysis of 30 years of research. Journal of Management.
- Qu, H., Walter, F., Zhang, Y., & Zhang, X. In press. Unpacking the role of job insecurity for employee creativity: A multi-dimensional perspective. Journal of Management.
Zhang Y., Qu, H., Walter, F., Liu, W., & Wang, M. 2023. A new perspective on time pressure and creativity: Distinguishing employees’ radical versus incremental creativity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44, 1400-1418.
Gedik, Y., Rink, F. A., Van der Vegt, G. S., Walter, F. 2023. A contingency model of the dominance route to influence in work teams: The moderating role of team competition. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 26, 1413-1435.
- De Vries, T. A., Van der Vegt, G. S., Bunderson, S., Walter, F., & Essens, P. J. M. D. 2022. Managing boundaries in multiteam structures: From parochialism to integrated pluralism. Organization Science, 33, 311-331.
- Feenstra, S., Stoker, J. I., & Walter, F. 2022. Macht en leiderschap: De negatieve gevolgen van instabiele macht [Power and leadership: The negative consequences of unstable power]. Gedrag & Organisatie, 35, 1-21. (in Dutch)
2021- Briker, R., Hohmann, S., Walter, F., Lam, C. K., & Zhang, Y. 2021. Formal supervisors’ role in stimulating team members’ informal leader emergence: Supervisor and member status as critical moderators. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 913-932.
Briker, R., Walter, F., & Cole, M. S. 2021. Hurry up! The role of supervisors' time urgency and self-perceived status for autocratic leadership and subordinates' well-being. Personnel Psychology, 74, 55-76.
- Briker, R., Hohmann, S., & Walter, F. 2021. A dyadic approach toward the interpersonal consequences of time pressure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27, 546-562.
- Briker, R., & Walter, F. 2021. (How Much) Do Temporal Social Comparisons Matter? A Replication of Reh, Tröster, and Van Quaquebeke (2018). Social Psychology, 52, 314-319.
- Lam, C. K., Walter, F., & Lawrence, S. 2021. Emotion suppression and perceptions of interpersonal citizenship behavior: Faking in good faith or bad faith? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 365-387.
- Scheibe, S., Walter, F., & Zhan, Y. 2021. Age and emotions in organizations: Main, moderating, and context-specific effects. Work, Aging and Retirement, 7, 1-8. [Editorial for Special Issue]
2020- Van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink, F. A., Essens, P., & Van der Vegt, G. S. In press. Multiple team membership and individual job performance: The role of employees' information-sharing networks. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93, 967-987.
- Van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink F., Essens, P., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2020. Benefits and disadvantages of individuals' multiple team membership: The moderating role of organizational tenure. Journal of Management Studies, 57, 1502-1530.
- Deng, H., Walter, F., & Guan, Y. 2020. Supervisor-directed emotional labor as upward influence: An emotions-as-social-information perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41, 384-402.
- Briker, R., Walter, F., & Cole, M. S. 2020. Consequences of (not) seeing eye-to-eye about the past:The role of supervisor-team fit in past temporal focus for supervisors' leadership behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41, 244-262.
- Feenstra, S., Jordan, J., Walter, F., & Stoker, J. I. 2020. Antecedents of leaders' power sharing: The roles of power instability and distrust. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 157, 115-128.
- Hohmann, S., & Walter, F. 2019. Looking up with a frown: Status, negative affect, and enhancement behavior in groups. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 468-484.
- Faber, A., & Walter, F. 2019. Power and emotion recognition: The moderating role of work stress. In N. M. Ashkanasy, C. E. J. Härtel, & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Research on emotion in organizations (Vol. 15), 3-20. Emerald.
- Oedzes, J., Van der Vegt, G. S., Rink, F., & Walter, F. 2019. On the origins of informal hierarchy: The interactive role of formal leadership and task complexity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40, 311-324.
- Oedzes, J., Rink, F., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2019. Informal hierarchy and team creativity: The moderating role of empowering leadership. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68, 3-25.
Van de Brake, H. J., Walter, F., Rink F., Essens, P., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2018. The dynamic relationship between multiple team membership and individual job performance in knowledge-intensive work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 1219-1231.
- Lam, C. K., Walter, F., & Huang, X. 2017. Supervisors’ emotional exhaustion and abusive supervision: The moderating roles of perceived subordinate performance and supervisor self-monitoring. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38, 1151-1166.
Deng, H., Walter, F., Lam, C. K., & Zhao, H. H. 2017. Spillover effects of emotional labor in customer service encounters toward coworker harming: A resource depletion perspective. Personnel Psychology, 70, 469-502.
- Faber, A., & Walter, F. 2017. The curvilinear relationship between age and emotional aperture: The moderating role of agreeableness. Frontiers in Psychology (Section Organizational Psychology), 8, 1200.
Feenstra, S., Jordan, J., Walter, F., Yan, J., & Stoker, J. I. 2017. The hazard of teetering at the top and being tied to the bottom: The interactive relationship of power, stability, and social dominance orientation with work stress. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 66, 653-673.
- De Vries, T. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Davison, R. B., Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2016. Managing coordination in multiteam systems: Integrating micro and macro perspectives. Academy of Management Journal, 59, 1823-1844.
- Lam, C. K., Huang, X., Walter, F., & Chan, S. C. H. 2016. Coworkers' relationship quality and interpersonal emotions in team-member dyads in China: The moderating role of cooperative team goals. Management and Organization Review, 12, 687-716.
- Walter, F., Lam, C. K., Van der Vegt, G. S., Huang, X., & Miao, Q., 2015. Abusive supervision and subordinate performance: Instrumentality considerations in the emergence and consequences of abusive supervision. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 1056-1072.
- Walter, F. 2015. Ursachen und Folgen destruktiver Führung. [Causes and consequences of destructive leadership.] PERSONALquarterly, 67(3): 46-49.
- De Vries, T. A., Walter, F., Van der Vegt, G. S., & Essens, P. J. M. D. 2014. Antecedents of individuals' interteam coordination: Broad functional experiences as a mixed blessing. Academy of Management Journal, 57, 1334-1359.
- Lam, C. K., Walter, F., & Ouyang, K. 2014. Display rule perceptions and job performance in a Chinese retail firm: The moderating role of employees' affect at work. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31, 575-597.
- Walter, F., & Scheibe, S. 2013. A literature review and emotion-based model of age and leadership: New directions for the trait approach. Leadership Quarterly, 24, 882-901.
- Walter, F., & Van der Vegt, G. S. 2013. Harnessing members' positive mood for team-directed learning behavior and team innovation: The moderating role of perceived team feedback. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 235-248.
- Walter, F., Vogel, B., & Menges, J. I. 2013. A theoretical examination of mixed group mood: The construct and its performance consequences. In W. J. Zerbe, N. M. Ashkanasy, & C. E. J. Härtel (Eds.), Research on emotion in organizations (Vol. 9): Individual sources, dynamics, and expressions of emotion, 119-151. Emerald.
- Walter, F., Cole, M. S., Van der Vegt, G. S., Rubin, R. S., & Bommer, W. H. 2012. Emotion recognition and emergent leadership: Unraveling mediating mechanisms and boundary conditions. Leadership Quarterly, 23, 977-991.
- Walter, F., Humphrey, R. H., & Cole, M. S. 2012. Unleashing leadership potential: Toward an evidence-based management of emotional intelligence. Organizational Dynamics, 41, 212-219.
- Cole, M. S., Walter, F., Bedeian, A. G., & O'Boyle, E. H. 2012. Job burnout and employee engagement: A meta-analytic examination of construct proliferation. Journal of Management, 38, 1550-1581.
- Gutnick, D., Walter, F., Nijstad, B., & De Dreu, C. K. W. 2012. Creative performance under pressure: An integrative conceptual framework. Organizational Psychology Review, 2, 189-207.
- Walter, F., Cole, M. S., & Humphrey, R. H. 2011. Emotional intelligence: Sine qua non of leadership or folderol? Academy of Management Perspectives, 25, 45-59.
- Lam, C. K., Van der Vegt, G. S., Walter, F., & Huang, X. 2011. Harming high performers: A social comparison perspective on interpersonal harming in work teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, 588-601.
- Menges, J., Walter, F., Vogel, B., & Bruch, H. 2011. Transformational leadership climate: Performance linkages, mechanisms, and boundary conditions at the organizational level.Leadership Quarterly, 22, 893-909.
- Bernerth, J. B., Walker, J., Walter, F., & Hirschfeld, R. R. 2011. A study of workplace justice differences during times of change: It’s not all about me. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 47: 336 - 359.
- Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2010. Structural impacts on the occurrence and effectiveness of transformational leadership: An empirical study at the organizational level of analysis. Leadership Quarterly, 21, 765-782.
- Cole, M. S., Bernerth, J. B., Walter, F., & Holt, D. T. 2010. Organizational justice and individuals’ withdrawal: Unlocking the influence of emotional exhaustion. Journal of Management Studies, 47, 367-390.
- Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2009. An affective events model of charismatic leadership behavior: A review, theoretical integration, and research agenda. Journal of Management, 35, 1428-1452.
- Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2008. The positive group affect spiral: A dynamic model of the emergence of positive affective similarity in work groups. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, 239-261.
- Cole, M. S., Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2008. The affective mechanisms linking dysfunctional behavior to performance in work teams: A moderated mediation study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 945-958.
- Walter, F., & Bruch, H. 2007. Investigating the emotional basis of charismatic leadership: The role of leaders' positive mood and emotional intelligence. In C. E. J. Härtel, N. M. Ashkanasy, & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Research on emotion in organizations (Vol. 3): Functionality, intentionality and morality, 55-85. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Bruch, H., & Walter, F. 2007. Leadership in context: Investigating hierarchical impacts on transformational leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 28, 710-726.
2006- Bruch, H., & Walter, F. 2006. Wie Tata Steel Utopien realisiert [How Tata Steel realizes utopias]. Harvard Business Manager, 28(6): 48-57.
2005- Bruch, H., & Walter, F. 2005. The keys to rethinking corporate philanthropy. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(1): 49-55.