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Giessen TEFL Prize


Excellent Term Papers Wanted! 


Every semester, numerous term papers in the field of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) are written, submitted, and marked. Yet, they often end up forgotten in the Institute’s archives. To change this and to acknowledge the effort and quality of student work, Professor Ivo Steininger (Teaching Anglophone Literatures and Cultures) and Dr Leo Will (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) have initiated the annual Giessen TEFL Prize for outstanding term papers in TEFL II and III.

The Giessen TEFL Prize is an important step in recognising and promoting exemplary student research. It is awarded to the best unpublished papers written by students during the previous year. Winning papers must not only fall within the scope of Teaching English as a Foreign Language and meet the department’s requirements, but also be convincing through careful research, insightful analyses and innovative ideas.

With the authors’ permission, a slightly revised and annotated version of the winning papers will be published on the English Department’s website as instructive examples for future students (see below).

How to Participate

There are two ways to participate:

  1. Submit your already marked term paper via email to Professor Ivo Steininger (Ivo.Steininger) or Dr Leo Will (Leo.Will) with the subject line: "TEFL prize". 
  2. Your instructor nominates your term paper as eligible for the prize. 

Certificates and Prizes

1st place: 150 Euro
place: 50 Euro
3rd place: a book prize



1st place
  • Sara Rashed (Adapting Education in the Digital Age: Incorporating Podcasts in the EFLC – A Teaching Unit on The Blue Planet)
2nd place
  • Lorena Chiavino (How Can Play-Based Teaching Approaches Foster the Writing Ability of Elementary Students in the EFL Classroom?)
3rd place
  • Esra Karavar (Mindsets for Inclusive Teaching: How Teachers Can Create Better Teaching Environments for SEN and Regular Students by Strengthening Class Community, Friendship and Anti-bullying)

  • Saskia Freisler (Teaching Short Literary Texts: Mirror Image – A Teaching Proposal)


Winning Papers

Explore the links below to access commented versions of the winning term papers. These papers are exemplary in both research quality and academic writing, offering critical insights and interpretations on various topics. While they serve as excellent learning resources, please note that these papers are copyrighted by their respective authors, and we kindly ask you to respect these copyrights.