Media Studios
The institute has three sound editing workstations and two sound booths. All workstations are equipped with Apple computers and a number of feed and recording options. In addition to microphones in the studio, field recorders are available for outdoor recordings, and other feed options include minidisk, DAT, cassette, CD and vinyl.
Both workstations have keyboards and electric pianos, and the computer software includes sequencers and synthesizers: Pro Tools, Apple Logic Pro, Max/Msp/Jitter, Ableton Live, Native Instruments Komplete and numerous other plugins such as Waves, Audioease or Izotope.
The recording studios host introductory and advanced courses on sound design, recording, microphoning, amplification, and working with sequencers. They are also used for scenic projects on audio plays and other audio formats.
Many of the students' independently created radio plays, soundtracks or sound installations were conceived, recorded, mixed and completed in the studios, some of which were included in broadcasters' programs and some of which won awards, such as Looking for a small story by Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt, which received the NRW Radio Play Award, Apparat Herz by Daniel Wetzel, broadcasted by SFB Berlin, or Quiet in the valley of unrest by Steffen Popp.
The institute has two video workstations with Apple computers and other hardware and software for video recording, editing and processing: The hardware includes HDV and DV players/recorders, DVD and VHS recorders/players and Blueray players. For video recording, there are 4 HD video cameras, several camcorders(DV and HDV) and video DSLRs. Software includes Final Cut Studio, AdobePremiere Pro, After Effects, Adobe Creative Suite and ProTools.
The video studios are used for introductory courses in video editing and DVD software, for scenic projects by visiting professors in film and video, and for student projects.
Medienstudio 1 and 2 at Performance Lab (PB3000)
Bismarckstr. 24A
35390 Gießen
Medienstudio at Gutenbergstraße
Gutenbergstr. 6
35390 Gießen