We now leave behind us the turbulence of symbols and approach a vast
country, ancient and new, where signifying is discreet to the point of rarity. From
this moment on, a new field opens up: that of delicacy, or better (I risk the word
at the price of retracting it later): of blandness.
Roland Barthes, Alors la Chine?
by Tobias Rosenberger (Regie); Raum: Kriss Merken; Sound: Simon Schäfer; Licht: Christian Flierl Performer: Sijia Liu, Zhiqi Xie, Tian Xia, Feifei Li, Haijie Hu, Weian Xiang
Past Performances
- 2003-11-20, Festival Junger Talente, Messe Offenbach