Lust and the act of performing, stage fright, erotic phantasies, the perfect body and shame - these are the central themes of interviews with striptease-dancers, wich Sylvi Kretzschmar transforms from the dimension of the text into performance. A performance about presence and absence of the body on stage and the voyeuristic gaze of the spectator.
production: Plateaux-International platform for young theatre directors
Institute for Applied Theatre Studies Gießen
by Sylvi Kretzschmar
Past Performances
- 2003-12-13, premiere , Probebühne im Institut
- 2003-12-15, Probebühne im Institut
- 2003-12-16, Probebühne im Institut
- 2004-10-14, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt
- 2004-10-15, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt