Dr. Martina Ruhsam
Martina Ruhsam (*1981) is working since May 2016 as teaching and research assistant for the MA-Program „Choreography and Performance“ (CUP).
She studied „Movement Studies and Performance“ at the Anton-Bruckner-Privatuniversität in Linz and „Theatre-, Film- and Mediastudies“ at the University of Vienna.
From 2006 until 2016 she realized numerous performances, interventions, artistic collaborations (especially with Vlado G. Repnik) and transdisciplinary projects that were presented in various venues and festivals (e.g. Tanzquartier Wien, Wiener Festwochen, Brut, Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst Metelkova)
From 2008 until 2009 she worked in the theory department of Tanzquartier Wien.
In 2007 she received the Danceweb Scholarship of Impulstanz/Vienna, in 2010/2011 the scholarship for dance from the Ministry of Education, Art and Culture Vienna and 2014 a Phd- Grant from Cusanuswerk. Bischöfliche Studienstiftung (Germany).
In 2011 her monography „Kollaborative Praxis: Choreographie“ was released by Turia + Kant. From 2006 until 2010 she was a member of the editorial board of Corpus. Internetmagazine for Dance, Choreography and Performance.
Since 2012 she is a member of the editorial board of Maska. Performing Arts Journal. She was lecturing in Maskas Seminar for Performing Arts in Ljubljana (2013) and at HZT (Hochschule Zentrum Tanz, SODA) in Berlin (2015).
She was giving lectures on dance and choreography and related philosophical and socio-political issues internationally (e.g. Middlesex University/London, Tanzquartier Wien, Vooruit/Gent, HZT Berlin, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus/München, Galerie 5020/Salzburg, Plesni Teater/Ljubljana, Zagreb Dance Center, Kunsthalle Dresden)
On 7/9/2020 she finished her PhD with her dissertation "Moving Matter. Nicht-menschliche Körper in zeitgenössischen Choreografien" (summa cum laude) by Prof. Dr. Bojana Kunst.
phone: 0614/99-31233
Gutenbergstr. 6, Raum 110