EPSY 2025 Specialist Group Conference Developmental Psychology
26th Conference
September 1st until 4th, 2025
Philosophikum I
Dear colleagues,
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the 26th conference of the Division of Developmental Psychology in Giessen from September 1st until 4th, 2025.
The traditional conference offers a wide range of thematic contributions, from the neurobiological foundations of human development to applied developmental psychology research. In addition to three prominent keynote lectures, we expect numerous topic-specific symposia and scientific poster contributions.
The main conference venue will be the Seminar Building II and lecture halls of the Philosophikum I of the Justus Liebig University. In addition to the scientific conference program (September 1st until 3rd), post-conference workshops for young scientists will be offered. These will take place on September 4th, 2025. Last but not least, there will be plenty of opportunities for exchange and networking.
Travel grants are also available for young members.
The whole team is very much looking forward to welcoming you in Giessen!
The organization team
Bianca Jovanovic, Gudrun Schwarzer, Lucie Preißler, Anna Grab, and Katrin von der Decken
E-mail: epsy-2025
Philosophikum I, Lecture Halls:
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, Haus A
35394 Gießen
Seminargebäude II:
Alter Steinbacher Weg 44
35394 Gießen
Exhibitors & Sponsors
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