Some of our former staff have obtained high academic positions at faculties and institutions worldwide...

Prof. Dr. Jan Drewes
Institute for Brain and Psychological Sciences
Sichuan Normal University
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Prof. Frédéric Devinck, Ph.D.
Maître de conférences
Université Rennes
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Dr. Constanze Hesse
University of Aberdeen
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Prof. Dr. Volker Franz
Universität Tübingen
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Prof. Dr. Dirk Kerzel
Université de Génève
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Dr. Gesche Hübner
University College London
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Dr. Guido Maiello
University of Southamptom
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Prof. Neil Mennie, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Nottingham
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Dr. Anna Metzger
Bournemouth University
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Dr. Maria Olkkonen
Durham University
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Dr. Céline Paeye
Maître de conférences
Université Paris Descartes
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Prof. Dr. Jochem Rieger
Universität Oldenburg
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Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt
Universität Kaiserslautern
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Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz
Universität Marburg
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Dr. Sascha Serwe
Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben an der Fernuniversität Hagen
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Prof. Dr. Anna Seydell Greenwald
Assistant Professor
Georgetown University Medical Center
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Prof. Dr. Jing Chen
Associate Professor
Shanghai University of Sport
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Dr. David Souto
University of Leicester
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Prof. Dr. Miriam Spering
Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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Dr. Emma E.M. Stewart
School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences, Queen Mary University of London
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Dr. Kate Storrs
Senior Lecturer
School of Psychology, University of Auckland, New Zealand
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Prof. Dr. Marco Tommasi
Università Chieti - Pescara
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Dr. Martin Stritzke
Dozent an der Fielmann Akademie Schloss Plön
Lehrbeauftragter an der FH Lübeck

Prof. Matteo Valsecchi, Ph.D.
Senior Assistant Professor
University of Bologna
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Dr. Matteo Toscani
Bournemouth University
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Prof. Romain Vergne, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Université Grenoble
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Dr. Ir. Peter Vangorp
Assistant Professor
Utrecht University
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Prof. Yaniv Morgenstern, Ph.D.
Assistant professor
Erasmus University Rotterdam
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... others are pursuing their academic career as post-docs and research associates...

Dr. Anke Marit Albers

Dr. Matthias Bischoff

M.Sc. Cristiano Cellini

Alice Chadwick, Ph.D.

Steven A. Cholewiak, Ph.D.

Barthélémy Durette, Ph.D.

M.Sc. Alban Flachot
Raum: 102
Alter Steinbacher Weg 38
Telefon: +49 (0)641 99 26109
@ E-Mail

Dr. Pierre-Pascal Forster

Dr. Martin Giesel

Robert Ennis, Ph.D.
Alter Steinbacher Weg 38
Telefon +49 (0)641 99 26233
@ E-Mail
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Dipl.-Psych. Owino Eloka

Dr. Jing Huang

Dr. Kai Hamburger

Dr. Alexandra Lezkan

Richard Jacobs, Ph.D.

M.Sc. Maria Matziridi

Dipl.-Psych. Dirk Neumann

Dr. Nick Ross

Christoph Rasche,Ph.D.

Dr. Patrick Spröte

Dr. Alexandra Schmid
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Dr. Brian White

PD Dr. Julia Trommershäuser

Dipl.-Psych. André Ziervogel
...and others are working in industry and clinic.

Dr. Elisabeth Baumgartner

Dr. Lorilei Alley

Dr. Denise de Grave
Forscherin bei Unilever, Amsterdam

Dr. Kurt Debono
Forscher bei SR Research

Dr. Hanna Gertz

Dr. Lukas Kaim
Forscher bei Hexagon Metrology

Dr. Urs Kleinholdermann
Klinikum Wetzlar

Dr. Harun Karimpur
Senior Strategy Consultant at Monitor Deloitte
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Dr. Tobias Möhler

Dr. Mathias Klinghammer

Dr. Tom Nissens

Dr. Lars Pracejus

M.Sc. Eugen Prokott
@ E-Mail

Dr. Oliver Rinner
CSO & Managing Director
bei Biognosys, Zürich
Diplom am MPI für Biologische
Kybernetik (2000)

Dr. Henning Tiedemann
Methoden & Produktmanager bei
parcIT GmbH

Dr. Ilja Wagner

Dr. David Weiß

Dr. Christiane Wiebel
Honda Research Institute
Persönliche Homepage

Dagmar Wismeijer, Ph.D.
Honda Research Institute