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Visiting professorships in 2020

The Liebig-College invites every year visiting research professor, who give top-caliber lectures and seminars complementary to the themes of the JLU research groups. In 2020 our visiting research professors will be:


Prof. Nuno Maulide (University of Vienna, Austria)

Prof. Nuno Maulide received his PhD in chemical sciences from the Université catholique de Louvain working with Prof. István E. Markó and later did a postdoctoral stay at Stanford University with Prof. Barry Trost. Since 2013 he is full professor for organic syntheses at University of Vienna. Their research in the first years of the group (2009–present) has mostly focused on unusual or "unconventional" reactivity profiles of organic compounds. They have taken particular interest in high-energy reactive intermediates that can be generated under mild conditions and subsequently lead to rearrangements, domino reaction sequences or catalytic asymmetric transformations. A broad scope of activities has resulted from these efforts, spanning a large subset of areas within organic chemistry.

Professor Maulide and his wife are our guests from 11th till 16th of August.