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Anina Vogt, M.Sc.


Anina Vogt

Phone: +49 641 99- 37632

ORCID: 0000-0002-6896-2244


Curriculum Vitae


Since 2018

PhD student

Department of Animal Husbandry, Behaviour, and Welfare

University of Giessen, Germany


Internship abroad (especially organic dairy farming)

2015– 2017

Research Associate

Department of Production Systems of Farm Animals, Department of Farm Animal Science

University of Göttingen, Germany

2014– 2015  

Master of Science in Animal Welfare

University of Northampton, UK


Research Interests

My research interests are generally in the field of farm animal welfare science. In particular, I am interested in the (further) development of all kinds of practical applications that can contribute to improving the welfare of farm animals. Currently I am working on a project on mother-bound rearing of calves in dairy farming, especially the reduction of weaning stress when cow and calf have to be separated later.
However, I also like to deal with positive animal welfare indicators, animal welfare assessment in general, animal transport, stereotypies, calf rearing in general, and I have also worked on a project on the marketing of boar meat. Privately, I am also interested in the interactions of agriculture and climate change and am a member of the specialist group Agriculture/Nutrition of Scientists for Future Germany.



  • Vogt, A. McCormick, W. (2016) Habituation effects to frequent road transport in sport horses. Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science; Belfast (UK). No. 22, p. 393. 
  • Vogt, A., Aditia E.L., Schlechter, I., Schütze, S., Geburt, K., Gauly, M. and König von Borstel, U. (2017) Inter- and intra-observer reliability of different methods for recording temperament in beef and dairy calves. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 195, pp. 15-23. 
  • Vogt, A., Waiblinger, S. König von Borstel, U. and Barth, K. (2020) Vergleich des Absetzens via Anti-Saug-Bügel und gradueller Reduktion der Kontaktzeit hinsichtlich der Stressbelastung für Kuh und Kalb in der muttergebundenen Milchkälberaufzucht. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (Hg.): Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2020. KTBL-Schrift 520, pp. 68-78.
  • Vogt, A., Heyder, L.R., König von Borstel, U. (2020) Pilotstudie zur Entwicklung von (besser) intuitiv verständlichen Tränkesystemen für Milchkälber. Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (Hg.): Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2020. KTBL-Schrift 520, pp. 243-244.
  • Vogt, A., Waiblinger, S., Barth, K.und König von Borstel, U. (2021) Don’t forget the dams. Stress reactions of dairy cows to two different weaning and separation methods in cow-calf-contact systems. Proceedings of the 54th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (Online Congress), p. 126.
  • Vogt, A., Waiblinger, S., König von Borstel, U. Barth, K. (2021) Vocalisations don’t lie? Comparison of stress responses to two different weaning methods in dam-reared dairy calves. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group level, Wageningen Academic Publishers p. 85.
  • Barth, K., Vogt, A., König von Borstel, U., Waiblinger, S. (2021) Effects of two weaning and separation methods on milk yield of dams nursing their calf. Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Davos (Switzerland), No. 27, p.482.
  • Vogt, A., König von Borstel, U., Waiblinger, S., Palme, R. and Barth, K. (2023) Fecal cortisol metabolites reflect transport stress in 3-month-old dairy calves pre- and postweaning: A pilot study. Journal of Dairy Science, 106 (3).