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Publikationen (peer-reviewed)

  • MAGIERA, A., FEILHAUER, H., WALDHARDT, R., WIESMAIR, M., OTTE, A.: Mapping plant functional groups in subalpine grassland of the Greater Caucasus. - Mountain Research and Development (submitted on 27.07.2017).

Publikationen als Co-Autorin (peer-reviewed)

Sonstige Publikationen

  • MAGIERA, A., FEILHAUER, H., WALDHARDT, R., OTTE, A. 2017: Fernerkundungsbasierte Erfassung der Vegetationszusammensetzung und Produktivität von Grünlandbeständen im Großen Kaukasus. – Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft (accepted).



  • Jahrestagung der Reinhold Tüxen Gesellschaft 10.03. - 12.03.2017, Hannover "Prognose der oberirdischen Biomasse des subalpinen Grünlandes im Großen Kaukasus mittels Hyperspektraldaten"- Vortrag.
  • 8th Annual GGL Conference, Giessen, 30.09.-01.10.2015."

    Where has all the cattle gone?-Description of a high mountain pasture system in the Kazbegi Region, Georgia based on GPS tracking"- Poster und Chairperson.

  • Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Göttingen, 31.08.-04.09.2015. "Mapping the yield of high mountain grassland by integrating vegetation composition" - Poster.
  • Internationale Gesellschaft für Landschaftsökologie (IALE – D), 2014, Bozen "Relating Canopy Reflectance to Vegetation Composition of Mountainous Grasslands in the Greater Caucasus"-Vortrag, Student Award.
  • 7th Annual GGL Conference, Giessen, 17-18.09.2014."Analyzing the productivity of subalpine grasslands in the Greater Caucasus by means of remote sensing" Best Poster Award.
  • Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Hildesheim, 08.-12.09.2014. "Comparing reflectance signals of shrub species in the Kazbegi National Park to enhance monitoring of reforestation" - Vortrag.
  • EARSel Workshop (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) "Frontiers in Earth Observation for Land System Science", EARSeL Special Interest Group Land Use & Land Cover and the NASA Land Use & Land Cover Science Team, in Berlin,17-18.03.2014. "Comparing reflectance signals of shrub species in the Kazbegi National Park to enhance monitoring of reforestation"- Poster.
  • Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Lüneburg, 10.-13.09.2012. "Relating canopy reflectance to the vegetation composition of mountainous grasslands in the Greater Caucasus" - Vortrag.
  • Workshop of the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) of DIVERSITAS in Georgia, 21-24 Juni 2012. "Relating canopy reflectance to the vegetation composition of mountainous grasslands in the Greater Caucasus" - Vortrag.


Summer School