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Research & Projects

Generally, I am interested in dynamics of community and population structures and the functional consequences. More specifically, my research focusses on the impact of landscape structure and land-use intensity on pollinator communities and the services they provide. Here are my four Ts:

Taxonomy: Insects; mostly wild bees, hoverflies and solitary wasps.

Themes: landscape ecology; nature conservation; agri-environmental schemes.

Topics: pollination efficiency measures; plant-pollinator interactions; parasitoid-host interactions; mass-flowering crops (mainly oilseed rape).

Things I use: pan traps; sweep netting; optical and digital microscopy; flight cages; selfing bags; trap nests; pollen analysis; interaction networks, phytometer arrays.


GreenGrass – Innovative Nutzung des Grünlands im Landschaftsmaßstab

BMBF, 2019-2024, link

Anlage von Schonstreifen im Grünland

Agri-EIP, 2021-2024, link

BeeContour - Streifenanbausysteme zur Förderung von Bienen und weiteren Bestäuberinsekten in der Agrarlandschaft

BMEL, 2021-2024, link coming soon