Houska, Dr. Tobias
Scientific researcher
Tel: +49 (0)641 9937384
Fax: +49 (0)641 9937389
Email: tobias.houska@umwelt.uni-giessen.de
Scientific interest
Bayesian inference and prediction in hydro-biogeochemical modelling (CMF, LandscapeDNDC)
Application of Monte Carlo techniques for parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis
Contribution of different data sources in understanding catchment behavior
Programming with Python, Matlab, spatial/temporal analysis with GIS
Scientific career and affiliation
1/2013 – today PhD student at the Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resource Management, Justus-Liebig University, Gießen, Germany
2009 – 2013 Student Assistant, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resource Management, Justus-Liebig University, Gießen, Germany
2010 - 2013 Master of Science in Environmental and Resource Management, Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen, Germany
Master thesis “Monte Carlo based calibration and uncertainty analysis of the crop model PMF” , PD Dr. Lutz Breuer (Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resource Management, Justus-Liebig University, Gießen, Germany)
2007-2010 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management, Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen, Germany
Bachelor thesis “Landschaftsstruktur im Schwingbachtal (Gemeinde Hüttenberg)” , Prof Dr. Rainer Waldhardt (Institute of Landscape Ecology and Resource Management, Justus-Liebig University, Gießen, Germany)
Houska, T., Multsch, S., Kraft, P., Frede, H.-G., and Breuer, L.: Monte Carlo-based calibration and uncertainty analysis of a coupled plant growth and hydrological model, Biogeosciences, 11, 2069-2082, doi:10.5194/bg-11-2069-2014, 2014
Houska, T., Multsch, S., Kraft, P., Frede, H.-G., and Breuer, L.: Monte Carlo Based Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis of a Coupled Plant Growth and Hydrological Model. EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, 2014
- Liebermann, R., Kraft, P., Houska, T., Breuer, L., Müller, C., Kraus, D., Haas, E., Klatt, S., and Kiese, R.: Simulating fluxes of N and C under elevated atmospheric CO2 in a coupled ecosystem response model. Biogeomon, Bayreuth, 2014
- Houska, T., Multsch, S., Kraft, P., Frede, H.-G., and Breuer, L.: Monte Carlo Based Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis of a Coupled Plant Growth and Hydrological Model. OpenWaterSymposium, Brussels, 2013
Hydroschool 2013: Model building, inference and hypothesis testing in hydrology at the CRP - Gabriel Lippmann (Luxembourg)
Winner of the IFZ award 2013 for the best thesis in the field of Land Use and Biodiversity