Lukas Babylon
Lukas Babylon
Department of Nutrition in Prevention & Therapy
Wilhelmstr. 20
35392 Gießen
Phone: +49 641 9939036
Fax: +49 641 9939039
Email: lukas.babylon
Biomedical Research Center (BFS)
Schubertstr. 81
Room E118
D-35392 Giessen
Phone: +49 641 99-39026
Lukas Babylon holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) in nutritional sciences. For his Ph.D. he is currently working with different cell models exploring polyphenols, vitamins, and trace elements as modulators of mitochondrial function. He especially works with SH-SY5Y cell lines to investigate the mitochondrial cascade hypothesis of aging and Alzheimer`s disease.
Methods: Cell culture, measurement of bioenergetic molecules (pyruvate, lacteate, ATP), markers of mitochondrial mass; High-Resolution Respirometry (Oxygraph-2k); qRT-PCR; ELISA, HTRF-Method (based on TRF and FRET) to determine the tau and beta-amyloid peptides in cells and culture media.
Projects / Field of Work
Micronutrients as modulators of mitochondrial function