IPP WORKSHOP SERIES | Yauheniya Lekarevich: “An Introduction to Computer-Assisted Text Analysis for the Study of Literature”
- https://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/ggkgcsc/events/semester-overview/winter-term-24/ipp/ipp-ws-computer-assisted
- IPP WORKSHOP SERIES | Yauheniya Lekarevich: “An Introduction to Computer-Assisted Text Analysis for the Study of Literature”
- 2024-12-05T14:00:00+01:00
- 2024-12-05T16:00:00+01:00
This workshop aims to introduce a repertoire of well-established digital tools used in computational literary studies. It is planned as a critical introduction to demystify commonly referred-to Digital Humanities (DH) methodologies. The workshop will familiarize the audience with the field and underscore the role of qualitative and interpretative components within it. The overview will begin with stylometry, likely the most well-known component that has made attempts to impact the field classical philology. It will then cover network analysis, vector semantics, and topic modeling. The workshop will not involve a deep methodological dive or a strong hands-on component. Instead, it will focus on groups of approaches and prominent case studies, viewed within the broader context of the field's developments. The limitations of these methods will be discussed in a participatory format, including the most accessible ways to start applying them if there is interest. The workshop is aimed at developing conceptual familiarity, so participants with a qualitative background do not hesitate when encountering computer-assisted approaches. Additionally, we will discuss current challenges in the field, such as the crisis of reproducibility, the connections to literary schools, and the interaction of digital methodologies with literary theories.
To register: Winter Term 2024/25 — The Graduate Centre (uni-giessen.de)