IPP WORKSHOP SERIES | Tien-Phát Nguyen: “Experiencing Narrative Techniques Across Theatre – Literature – Cinema From an Intermedial Perspective”
- https://www.uni-giessen.de/en/faculties/ggkgcsc/events/semester-overview/winter-term-24/ipp/ipp-ws-narrative-techniques
- IPP WORKSHOP SERIES | Tien-Phát Nguyen: “Experiencing Narrative Techniques Across Theatre – Literature – Cinema From an Intermedial Perspective”
- 2025-01-16T14:00:00+01:00
- 2025-01-16T16:00:00+01:00
From modern theatre and prose fi ction to commercial and independent cinema in the 21st century, there is a trend in which hybrid narrative techniques have been developing throughout the encounters of the three classic media. From an intermedial perspective, this workshop is going to introduce some narrative tools that have transcended the boundaries of narrative arts, with a concentration on how meanings are constructed within the interactions of narrative techniques among the three art forms, and also how to adapt traditional narrative instruments from one storytelling platform to a new environment of storyworlds. Instead of following the direction of studying each separate platform, the course digs into the archive of techniques and analyzes their effects when applied for creating, and also the potential of mixing them for a wider audience, backed by the process of transmedial storytelling, especially adaptations as the artistic milieu. It can be hypothesized that characteristics of every narrative technique from a specifi cart–form have a certain infl uence on how humans perceive the world. Therefore, in a world where the convergence of media is increasingly high, these narrative techniques need to be viewed from an intermedial perspective. From this point of view, we can scrutinize the assumptions about the “cultural lenses” associated with the interactions among narrative tools to determine new narrative techniques that can describe human perspectives on specifi c phenomena of contemporary life. The workshop will make use of structuralist theoretical tools, while also applying case studies based on postclassical narratology theories.
Tien–Phat Nguyen is a doctoral candidate at the International PhD Programme Literary
and Cultural Studies at the GKK (Gießen Graduate Center of Cultural Studies),
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (phat.nguyen@ggk.uni-giessen.de). He graduated from the University of Tübingen with a thesis focused on adaptation and is now working on his dissertation: “Narrative Techniques in the 21st Century: An Intermedial Approach”. His research interests include narrative theories; cultural narratologies; World literature, cinema, theatre; neocolonialism; and intermedial studies.
To register: Winter Term 2024/25 — The Graduate Centre (uni-giessen.de)