KNL ll Queerversity as an Aesthetic Principle
- KNL ll Queerversity as an Aesthetic Principle
- 2025-01-21T18:00:00+01:00
- 2025-01-21T20:00:00+01:00
Jan 21, 2025 from 06:00 to 08:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
Konferenzraum (GCSC-Gebäude, Erdgeschoss), Otto-Behaghel-Str. 12
Queerversity, a refined version of diversity, arouses interest in the complexity of difference – its intersectional interdependency and aesthetic or re/presentational modes. It strengthens modes of difference beyond classification: ambiguity, multiplicity, singularity, alterity. As an ethical or political principle, queerversity engages trans*versal justice in order to find nonviolent and respectful ways of dealing difference. Yet, what does it mean to propose queerversity also as an aesthetic principle? In this talk I will sketch queerversity as an aesthetic principle which can be detected in and fosters cultural or artistic practices that overcome addictions to binary oppositions and classificatory thinking. It aims at finding pleasure in complexity, confusion, and conflict in order to overcome the violence of normalcy.
Antke A. Engel (Dr. phil.) is a philosopher working in the fields of queer theory, poststructuralist philosophy, and visual cultural studies. In 2006 Engel has founded the Institute for Queer Theory (iQt) in Berlin ( and since then functions as its director. They were Asa Briggs fellow at the University of Sussex and visiting fellow at the Gender Institute of the London School of Economics as well as the Institute of Cultural Inquiry Berlin, and since 2003 regularly holds guest professorships in Gender and Queer Studies. On a guest professorship at FernUni Hagen they released in 2021 open access introductory videos to queer theory ( Engel co-edited Hegemony and Heteronormativity (2011) and Global Justice and Desire: Queering Economy (2015), and published numerous essays and the monographs Wider die Eindeutigkeit (2002), Bilder von Sexualität und Ökonomie (2009) and Queer Theorie – Queer_Pädagogik (2024).