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Lecture by Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso

We are very pleased to announce a guest lecture by Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso on decolonial/antiracist feminism from Latin America. More information and suggested readings for preparation will be announced soon.


Jun 15, 2016 from 06:00 to 08:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)



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Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso is a theoretician, activist, essayist and teacher from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, living currently in Bogotá, Columbia. Her thought and writing engages with and confronts radically current socio-cultural expressions of racism, (hetero) patriarchy and coloniality in Abya Yala, Latin America. She is co-founder of the Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudios y Acción en Sexualidades, Género y Cultura (GLEFAS) and co-editor of the volume "Tejiendo de otro modo: Feminismo, epistemología y apuestas decoloniales en Abya Yala". As a student of María Lugones, one of the most prominent voices of a decolonial feminism, she ended up becoming one of its main references in Latin America.

Suggested readings for preparation (all by Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso):

  • "Intersectionality and co-constitution of oppression: the epistemological contribution of antiracist and decolonial feminisms", originally published in Spanish under the title: "Thinking feminist scholarship from a co-constitutive look of oppression" (2014), in Rifà Valls, M .; Campderrós Du- arte, L. & Ponferrada Arteaga, M. (editors), New Challenges for Social Inclusion and Equity in Higher Education: Proceedings of the Third International Congress MISEAL. Costa Rica, 1a. Edit: MISEAL Team Team MISEAL Spain and Costa Rica, Autonomous University of Barcelona, National University (UNA) 
  • "Ethnocentrism and coloniality in Latin American feminisms: the complicity and consolidation of hegemonic feminists in transnational spaces". Translated by Ana-Maurine Lara, MPhil. In Decolonial Translation Group. Originally published in: VENEZUELAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES, July/December 2009. VOL. 14. No. 33 - pp. 37-54. 

  • "Die Transzendent der Travestie-Frage - eine Kritik an Judith Butlers Performativitätstheorie" (2007). In ILA, Zeitschrift der Informationsstelle Lateinamerika, 305, mai: LGTB in Lateinamerika. Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales, Transgéneros. Bonn, Alemania.