CANCELLED - CS: Good is better than perfect: Stress resilience, mindfulness and the ability to navigate one’s inner stress drivers
- CANCELLED - CS: Good is better than perfect: Stress resilience, mindfulness and the ability to navigate one’s inner stress drivers
- 2023-07-05T09:00:00+02:00
- 2023-07-05T17:00:00+02:00
Jul 05, 2023 from 09:00 to 05:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
Pursuing a PhD is an endeavour of high uncertainties and precarity. Research in general is rarely plannable, nevertheless reliable exposés have to be written. Additionally, time management is a key task, since candidates have to split their resources besides their project on several activities such as teaching, conference presentations, publishing as well as career development and acquisition of key qualifications. Finally, academia as a social field is shaped by values such as excellence and competition; reputation is its currency, continuous critical questioning is the motor of scientific progress. All of these factors can cause stress and anxiety – both of which, in turn, might hamper what innovative research needs: creativity, openness, focus.
The workshop provides the participants with basic knowledge of how stress works and combines it with an introduction to practices of mindfulness. Through personal reflection, theoretical knowledge is transformed into self-awareness of individual stress drivers and via hands-on exercises it is transferred into daily life. Furthermore, mindfulness practices such as meditation, but also simple physical exercises (mindful movements) and structured reflections can increase awareness of one’s perception and thinking, emotions and sensing. Prior to the workshop on July 7, there will be an individual chat with one of the trainers to prepare for the course.
Dr. Christine Normann is a trainer for Mindful Leadership. She has worked in science management at research institutions and universities for over ten years. She holds a PhD in political science and has experience in research and teaching.
Ruben Pfizenmaier M.A. is part of the Management Team at the consulting firm Concadora and works as trainer for Mindful Leadership. He studied Philosophy, Literature and Cultural Studies in Hildesheim, Cork and Berlin and finished his PhD at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture in Gießen in 2023.
max. 12 participants
Please register on Stud.IP for this event. The deadline for registration is 5th June 2023.
Cancel your registration by email (and on Stud.IP) at least 7 days prior to the deadline. Please note that your registration is binding and commits you to full participation in the respective course which includes an individual preliminary chat with one of the trainers. These will take place virtually in the two or three weeks leading up to the workshop, the appointments will be arranged individually.
If you are not able to attend the course, please give others the chance to participate. Should more people register than places are available, we will as usual apply the first come, first served-principle.
Should you need further information or have questions, please contact Annika Stendebach or Marcel Frentzel.