KNL: Annette Löseke & Katharina Lorenz: The Politics of Code: Curating Cultural Heritage in the Digital. A conversation
- KNL: Annette Löseke & Katharina Lorenz: The Politics of Code: Curating Cultural Heritage in the Digital. A conversation
- 2021-07-06T18:00:00+02:00
- 2021-07-06T20:00:00+02:00
Jul 06, 2021 from 06:00 to 08:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
online (Webex Events)
In our exchange, we want to explore opportunities and challenges that come with employing digital technologies for presenting and facilitating engagement with cultural heritage. We will examine some of the curatorial and usage strategies at play at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Specifically, we will compare the historic reconstructions of the Pergamon Altar as they were and are displayed in the gallery with the current stand-alone, digitally-enabled Pergamon Panorama exhibition. Our aim is to tease out the respective capacities of analogue and digital exhibits for scaffolding immersion and interplay, pinpoint the curatorial blind spots that impact engagement with these displays, consider how these different settings shape highly politicised spaces, and experiment with alternative forms for presenting (contested) cultural heritage in the digital.
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// Prof Dr. Katharina Lorenz is a classical archaeologist in the Institute of Classical Studies at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen and Director of the ancient art collection and the Living Lab for Digital Cultural Practices. Her main research interest is in Greek and Roman visual narrative and the methods for the analysis of these pictures. She is the author of Bilder machen Räume. Mythenbilder in pom-peianischen Häusern (Berlin 2008) and Ancient Mythological Images and their Interpretation (Cam-bridge University Press 2016); she has published widely on Roman painting and the domestic con-text, art historiography and intellectual history and digital heritage engagement.
// Dr. Annette Löseke is an art historian who has worked as lecturer in Museum Studies at NYU Berlin since 2015. Her research interests include post-colonial museum studies, curatorial ecosystems, visitor/stakeholder studies, and critical digital museum studies. Recent publications include the chapters Producing Cultural Heritage and Framing Expertise: Berlin's Pergamon Museum (in New Approach to Cultural Heritage, ed. by L. Cheng, J. Yang and J. Cai, 2020); Transhistoricism: Using the Past to Critique the Present (in The Contemporary Museum, ed. by S. Knell, 2019), and Experimental Exhibition Models (in The Future of Museum and Gallery Design, ed. by S. MacLeod et al, 2018).
Recommended reading:
- Lorenz, K. (2016) The Pergamon frieze: myth outside the box. In: dies., Mythological Images and their Interpretation: An introduction to iconology, semiotics and image studies in Classical art history. Cambridge: 197–209.
- ________ (2021) Zeit|Raum-Sicht: Antike Skulpturen im Horizont der digitalen Transformation. In: D. Boschung, L. Jäger (Hg.), Wort und Stein. Differenz und Kohärenz kultureller Ausdrucksformen. München: 201–220.
- Löseke, A. (2021) Augmenting Antiquity? Die digital gestützte Panorama-Ausstellung im Berliner Pergamon-Museum: Herausforderungen für empirische Forschung und kulturelle Vermittlung. In: Handbuch für Kulturmanagement: Recht, Politik, Praxis 74: 23–39.