Conference: Rethinking ‘Postcolonial’ Europe: Moving Identities, Changing Subjectivities
- Conference: Rethinking ‘Postcolonial’ Europe: Moving Identities, Changing Subjectivities
- 2021-02-10T10:00:00+01:00
- 2021-02-12T13:00:00+01:00
Feb 10, 2021 10:00 to Feb 12, 2021 01:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
Online (Webex and/or Padlet)
Thinking ‘Europe’ as an idea, a geographical space, and a political force is inseparable from thinking about its history of imperialism, its postcolonial legacies, and its preoccupation with questions of in and outside, centre and periphery, the self and the other. Migration and the current so-called refugee crisis not only urge a changing perception of those power hierarchies that tend to divide the world between ‘the west’ and ‘the rest’ but also compel new discourses of national and cultural identity and belonging. The recent resurge of populism and racism connected to the rise of right-wing parties in several European states serves as an uneasy reminder of the continuing influence of hegemonic ideas of European exceptionalism and cultural superiority. At the same time, however, practices of resistance and emancipation in migrant/BPoC self-organisation and domains of art, literature, media, law, and politics reimagine Europe as an entangled space that was and is home for different people.
The postgraduate forum Postcolonial Narrations brings together young scholars (MA students, Doctoral candidates, Postdoctoral fellows) to foster an exchange of ideas about and beyond Europe and its conceptualization in post-/decolonial studies. The present conference is organized as a digital event in cooperation with GAPS (Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien) and the GCSC (International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Giessen).
The event is organised in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für anglophone postkoloniale Studien (GAPS) and the postgraduate forum Postcolonial Narrations.
*For further information please visit the conference's official website.
*Any further questions can be send to postcolonialnarrations
Theresa Krampe
Nadiye Ünsal
Jeannette Oholi
Johanna Munzel
Nadia Butt