Document Actions

CfP: Interdisciplinary conference: Peace, conflict, and security in times of existential crises

The Collaborative Research Centre “Dynamics of Security” (SFB/TRR 138) and the Anthropology of Peace, Conflict, and Security (APeCS) network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) are organizing the joint, interdisciplinary conference

Peace, conflict, and security in times of existential crises: Critical, interdisciplinary, and public engagements
2122 March 2024, Marburg, Germany

We seem to be living in a time of crises that overlap and exacerbate each other, steering the world toward the brink of destruction. Multiplying armed conflicts, the consequences of climate change and fears of nuclear destruction, the rise of far-right ideologies and governments, economic turmoil, all these are vividly debated and give rise to a broadly shared sense that ours is an age of existential crisis. But contemporary situations of turmoil have long been on the make, and existential crises have been ongoing in many regions of the world. Thus, there is a historicity to current developments that is easy to overlook, and there are experiential registers that do not always find their way into dominant depictions of existential crisis

We invite scholars of various disciplinary backgrounds such as (but not limited to) anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, historians, or geographers to send us panel proposals of 300-500 words on topics that are circumscribed by the present call. We encourage multidisciplinary panels, as well as panels proposed jointly by scholars from the ‘Global North’ and the ‘Global South’ and that entail a strong comparative element.
The proposals should be submitted to and before 7 July 2023.

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