Colonial Cities and Border Regions in the Long 19th Century in Inter-imperial and Intra-imperial Comparisons
Summer school, Herder Institute Marburg, 28 September – 1 October 2020
Colonial cities, especially port cities, as well as border regions between empires have historically played a decisive role in the perception of colonial rule. They formed key transitional spaces in political, social, cultural, economic, administrative, military and religious conflicts and can be regarded as having held particularly prominent hinge positions with respect to the mobility—in some cases the limited mobility—of people, animals, goods, ideas, epidemics and much more. Hence as kinds of “crossroad regions”, they have been places where questions of the imperial states’ and societies’ security/insecurity have been addressed very differently.
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The summer school is organized by Dr. Heidi Hein-Kircher (Herder Institute Marburg) and Prof. Dr. Benedikt Stuchtey (Chair of Modern History at Philipps University in Marburg)