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Online-Workshop: Global Aspen Initiative for Pure Science

WS: Global Aspen Initiative for Pure Science

Monday, November 1, 2021

5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. CET. (Virtual Event)

The search of a COVID-vaccine has shown: Science in 2021 must be fast, transparent, cost-effective and ethically sound. Recognizing this tension, Aspen Germany is joining its international partners in a project to explore the current state of pure basic research in the world. 

Our workshop will focus on the following questions: Are we doing enough in Germany to adequately support basic research? Who is paying for pure science research and who should be paying? How do we communicate scientific content to a non-scientific audience? We are excited to discuss these and more questions with our distinguished speakers: Hannah Helmke (Founder and CEO of right.based on science), Prof. Dr. Monika Stoll (Vice-Rector for Research, University of Münster) and Markus Weißkopf (Science Communicator, Managing Director of Wissenschaft im Dialog).

Aspen Germany’s Executive Director Dr. Stormy-Annika Mildner will moderate the virtual workshop. Our audience will have the chance to discuss questions with the panelists in breakout sessions. To register, please send an email to:

(Please RSVP by Friday, October 29).

This event will be conducted in English. 

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