How to Get To and Around In Giessen
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How to Get To and Around In Giessen
Travelling to Giessen by plane via Frankfurt/Main International:
It is best to fly directly to Frankfurt Rhein/Main Airport (FRA) and not to Frankfurt Hahn Airport since Hahn is actually located in the Hunsrück Mountains, about 150 kilometers away from Frankfurt/Main.
If you still intend to arrive at Hahn, take the Airport Bus (click on "Frankfurt" on the map of these pages of Hahn Airport) to Frankfurt/Main Hauptbahnhof (main train station - 1 hour and 45 min.). Trains from Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof to Giessen leave every hour.
Having arrived at Frankfurt/Main Airport, take either local S-Bahn or regional trains (RE) from Frankfurt Airport Regionalbahnhof at Terminal 1 to Frankfurt Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) or take fast InterCity (IC) and ICE trains from Frankfurt/Main Airport Fernbahnhof at Terminal 1 to Frankfurt Central Station (Hauptbahnhof). Trains leave every 15 min. Trains from Frankfurt Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) to Giessen leave at least every hour.
Giessen is well connected to Germany’s/Europe’s Autobahn/Motorway system. Google Maps enables you to find the fastest route to Giessen.
The Semesterticket: Getting around in Giessen
The semester ticket is part of your Student ID Card (costs are included in the semester fee) and is valid for one semester. You can travel around in nearly the whole Federal State of Hessen (all parts served by RMV and NVV) as often as you like as long as you use regional trains, trams, buses, and the underground (your ticket is not valid on fast IC or ICE trains).