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Proseminar (WS/SS)

Content of the proseminar “Technology, Innovation and Start-up Management”

Within the Bachelor proseminar framework, the emphasis is placed on deepening theoretical foundations. In this seminar, you will engage intensively with theoretical concepts and explore their applicability in research on technology, innovation or start-up management.

You can choose from a selection of proposed theories to use as a foundation for your seminar paper. During the seminar, you will immerse yourself deeply in your selected theory and identify relevant literature that applies this theory in research. This theory-focused approach offers several advantages:

  1. In-Depth Understanding: Theories form the basis of research papers. Engaging intensively with theoretical concepts allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of the field. This understanding establishes a solid foundation for your future studies (e.g., within the context of your Bachelor's thesis) and professional development.
  2. Critical Reflection: Critical reflection on theories fosters your analytical thinking and the ability to assess theories for their relevance and applicability. This is a valuable skill in both academic and business contexts.
  3. Theory in Research: You will learn to comprehend and reflect on theoretical concepts in research to address research questions effectively. This equips you to produce high-quality research papers and make valuable contributions to the field in your future endeavors.

The seminar is divided into two main components:

  1. Seminar Paper: You will write a scientific paper in which you comprehensively present and critically reflect on the selected theory. You will search for scientific papers that use this theory as a foundation in research on technology, innovation or start-up management and integrate them into your analysis.
  2. Presentation and Discussion: In addition to the written work, you will deliver presentations in which you introduce the selected theory and the underlying seminar paper. These presentations will be given to the department team and your fellow students, followed by a question-and-answer session.

Throughout the entire process, a tutor will be available to support you in developing your theoretical knowledge and analytical skills within the context of Technology, Innovation, and Start-up Management. This theory-focused approach provides you with a solid theoretical foundation and the ability to critically analyze complex issues in this field and apply them in research.

Student feedback

  • "Intriguing topics."
  • "The communication between the tutor and students was excellent, and timely responses to questions were always received."
  • "Positive attitude and radiating passion."

Course information

Module code: 02-Wiwi:BSc-Prosem
Professor: Prof. Dr. Monika Schuhmacher
Contact person: Alexandra von Preuschen
Term: Winter and summer term                             
Type of examination:

Scientific paper and presentation

Proseminar language: German or English
  • Successful completion of all modules of the orientation phase
  • Current Flexnow print-out/grading record


Schedule for WS 2021/22 (All dates are mandatory)


Monday, October 16th, 2023, 10:00 am. 


All participants will be informed about further dates via e-mail and StudIP.

General information on Proseminars

Link to the page of the current module description