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The #JLUzwischenRäume project aims to (re)embed the university's campus areas into everyday student life through innovative, lifeworld-oriented teaching and learning events. These events supplement the university's curricular offerings with spaces for interdisciplinary discussion of current, socially relevant topics and thus increase the quality of the study conditions at JLU with pinpoint accuracy.

Teachers and students are created spaces in which they can reconnect after years of distance and creeping alienation and work and learn together with flat hierarchies. This improves the general study conditions and strengthens the bond between teachers and students and their - our - university.

We expect the opening up of new places of learning and the work in unconventional cooperative learning formats to provide valuable impulses, especially for the didactic and professional qualifications of our students.


What are "ZwischenRäume"...?

By "ZwischenRäume" (literally translated: "in-between-spaces") we mean open spaces and indoor areas of the university that hold great, so far often unused potential for creative and innovative events and that therefore need to be discovered or (re)revitalised.

In addition to Giessen's Botanical Garden, which is already an established place for creative teaching and education at JLU, these include above all the open-air lecture "room" at the Law and Economics Campus, the redesigned atriums at the Philosophikum II or the historically significant interior spaces such as the Georg Büchner Hall in the Old University Library and the Margarete Bieber Hall in the "Amerika-Haus" - as well as many other spaces potentially eligible for the project.

Potential spaces
Galerie ZwischenRäume
Wiese vor dem Theaterlabor am Campus Innenstadt
Wiese vor dem Theaterlabor am Campus Innenstadt

Theaterlabor des Instituts für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaften (ATW) im Campusbereich Universitätszentrum der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU). Foto: JLU / Katrina Friese

Palmenhaus im Botanischen Garten
Palmenhaus im Botanischen Garten

Das Palmenhaus im Botanischen Garten der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU). Das 2020 errichtete Haus zitiert in Form und Größe das Palmenhaus von 1907. Von Oktober bis Mai beherbergt es die umfangreiche Kübelpflanzensammlung. In der übrigen Zeit wird es für Ausstellungen und die "Grüne Schule" genutzt. Foto: Katrina Friese

Platz vor dem Chemie-Neubau am Camous Seltersberg
Platz vor dem Chemie-Neubau am Camous Seltersberg

Beste Forschungs- und Studienbedingungen bietet der Neubau Chemie auf dem Campusbereich Seltersberg. Foto: Michael Schepp

Wiese vor dem Zeughaus
Wiese vor dem Zeughaus

Neues Schloss und Zeughaus. Die Gebäude werden vom Institut für Geographie der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen genutzt. Foto: Michael Schepp.

Open Air-Hörsaal am Campus Recht & Wirtschaft
Open Air-Hörsaal am Campus Recht & Wirtschaft

Foto: Maria Sikorski

Lichthof am Campus Philosophikum II
Lichthof am Campus Philosophikum II

Foto: Morgenstern/Wildegans und Jörg Wagner




The project #JLUzwischenRäume is financially supported within the framework of the Central Budget of the Funds for Improving the Quality of Study Conditions and Teaching (QSL) of the state of Hesse: The universities of the state of Hesse are provided with earmarked funds each semester in accordance with the law on improving the quality of study conditions and teaching. The funds of the central QSL project budget are to be used exclusively to promote central and interdepartmental measures that bring about a significant improvement in quality in teaching and studies.


#1: Get-to-know Meeting - An Opportunity for Students from Ukraine and Giessen to meet (04.05.2022)

The kick-off event of the #JLUzwischenRäume project was great: around 35 JLU members of different departments, nationalities and status groups got talking to each other yesterday evening in pleasant temperatures on the grounds of the open-air lecture hall of the Law and Economics Campus - about the situation in Ukraine, but also about music, sports, culture and student life in Germany and in Giessen. Of course, a practical demonstration of the popular outdoor large group game Flunkyball was not left out...

Many thanks to the Educational Science students council for selling drinks!