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Prof. Dr. Gerald Siegmund

Professorship for Applied Theatre Studies

 Prof. Dr. Gerald Siegmund

Prof. Dr. Gerald Siegmund is professor for Applied Theatre Studies at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen. He studied Theatre Studies, English and French Literature at the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main where he also received his PhD with a thesis on Theatre as Memory.


In 1998, he joined the staff of the Department of Applied Theatre Studies at the University in Giessen where he took his Habilitation in 2005. Between 2005 and 2008 he was professor for Contemporary Theatre at the University of Berne, Switzerland. In 2009, he returned to the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies, having been appointed to the professorship for Choreography and Performance. Since January 2012 he holds the professorship for Applied Theatre Studies.


Gerald Siegmund is author of numerous articles on contemporary dance and theatre performance as well as editor of the book "William Forsythe – Denken in Bewegung", published in 2004 at Henschel Verlag, Berlin.

His most recent monograph "Abwesenheit. Eine performative Ästhetik des Tanzes" was published in 2006. Since 2012, he is president of the Association of Theatre Studies (Gesellschaft für Theaterwissenschaft) in the German speaking countries.


His research interests include contemporary theatre and dance, theories of theatre, performance, intermediality and the various liminal domains where theatre meets the other arts.




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