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Specializations and master theses

Here you will find general information about getting started with the Smarsly group. Regardless of whether it is a study project, bachelor thesis, specialization, specialization, master thesis or doctorate, you will find it here.

In the chemistry and materials science (M. Sc.) courses, various specialization modules as well as the master's thesis are planned for the last two semesters. This should give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in various disciplines (advanced modules) and then specialize in one area (specialization module). This should prepare you extensively for the end of your student career, the master thesis.

The Smarsly's group offers you the opportunity to participate in current research projects in order to successfully complete your studies.In addition to your enthusiasm for chemistry and materials science, you should also have an interest in as yet unknown phenomena and enjoy new things.In addition, a certain degree of initiative and creativity is expected in order to successfully complete the modules.

or (junior research group leader: link). If you are already particularly interested in a specific topic, you can also contact the relevant group members directly.