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ConSOILSERVICE-Bildflicting demands of land use, soil biodiversity and the sustainable delivery of ecosystem goods (EU 2008-2011)

Soils and soil biodiversity form the basis of terrestrial production systems and produce ecosystem services, control of greenhouse gases, retention of nutrients, pests and invasive species. 
SOILSERVICE is a collaborative, medium scale focussed research project, which is funded by EU's Seventh Framework Programme. The aim of the project is to construct quantitative scenarios of long-term land use change across Europe and determine how soil nutrients can be retained - even after extensive use. The project started in September 2008 and will continue for 3 1/2 years.
SOILSERVICE makes predictions that link economy together with production (food vs. biofuel), land use, soil biodiversity and sustainability.
This information can be used by a broad range of decision and policy makers within the European community for future development of EU biofuel and soil policies.