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GGS Annual Conference 2014 "Mediatisation of Social Conflicts"

3rd - 5th December 2014


Technical developments, especially in the field of new information and communication technologies, have contributed significantly to a change in our worlds of life. The Gießen Graduate Conference "Mediatization of Social Conflicts" focuses on the role of media in social transformation processes of public discourses and everyday practices. In doing so, the question will be examined of the influence of media on the arrangement, discharge and reception of social conflicts. Are they conflict-stiffening, aggravating or even generating new conflicts? With which methods can the interaction of media and social conflicts be examined against this background? The focus will be on media change and conflict visualization, mass medial conflict communication in theory and practice, the mediatization of age (s) and the mediatization of violence (conflicts).


Keynote Speakers:

Prof Dr Manfred Faßler (Frankfurt)
Prof Dr Hans-Jürgen Bucher (Trier)
Prof Dr Kurt Imhof (Zürich)
Prof Dr Rainer Winter (Klagenfurt)