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Reduce Examination Stress / Examination of Large Number of Students


How can I reduce the examination load for students and teachers or handle a large number of students in an examination situation? How can e-learning applications support me and what options do I have? We answer these questions in our topic block "Reduce examination stress".


Soon you will find further content on the topic "Reduce Examination Stress" in the area of e-learning in university teaching.


This page is constantly growing with the project and is regularly filled with new content.

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By e-examinations we mean computer-aided examinations that are carried out in person. They offer more possibilities compared to conventional paper exams and can save time in the long term due to automatic evaluation.


Source: Youtube (2011) URL:


With the software solutions "Fred" and "Klaus" from Blubbsoft, all lecturers at the JLU have within the framework of a campus license the possibility to manage questions for written exams with Fred and have them automatically evaluated with Klaus. Scanner exams can be carried out completely on your own. At the JLU there are three scanner locations for the evaluation.


Source: Youtube (2013) URL: