Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Markus Ciesielski




Education / Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

Research areas / Forschungsschwerpunkte / Areas de investigación

  • Young people / young adults
  • Social inequalities
  • Migration
  • Access to justice / legal transformation
  • Sociology of Law
  • Environmental lawsuits, rights of nature

Education / Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

  • 2023 (06.12.) Submission of the dissertation and beginning of the doctoral examination process, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Title: “Claiming in Colombia. Education and Inequality in the Legal Mobilization of Colombian Students and Parents.” [„Klagen in Kolumbien. Bildung und Ungleichheit in der Rechtsmobilisierung kolumbianischer Lernender und Eltern“].
  • 2020-2023 Ph.D. in Social Scienes, Academic supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Peters, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.
  • Diplom (equivalent M.A.) in Sociology, minor: Political Science, Technische Universität Dresden, 2015.

Scholarships / Stipendien / Becas

  • 2020 - 2023 Ph.D.-Scholarship of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation.
  • 2020 – present: different travel grants (HBS, GCSC).
  • 2014-15. PROMOS-grant for a research stay in Colombia. 

Academic carreer / Universitäre Berufstätigkeit

  • 2023 - actual Research assistant at the Institut für Sozial- und Organisationspädagogik, Universität Hildesheim
  • 2021 Coordinator of the academic exchange program "Civic Education for a Sustainable and Peaceful Future” (DAAD-Financed). Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 2021. See video:
  • 2016-2017 Academic lecturer, Department for Education, Area Law, Administration and Organization, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
  • 2015 Student assistant, chair for methods of empirical social research (Prof. Dr. Michael Häder), Department of Sociology, Technische Universität Dresden.
  • 2013-15. Student assistant for teaching sociology of technology (Prof. Dr. Jost Halfmann), Department of Sociology, Technische Universität Dresden.
  • 2011-14. Student assistant for teaching introduction to sociology, Department of Sociology, Technische Universität Dresden.

Research stays / Forschungsaufenthalte / Estancias de investigación

  • 2022 (10-12). Honorary Fellow, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin (Madison).
  • 2022 (02-03). Research stay in Colombia, DFG-project “Access to justice in unequal societies: Legal and social challenges in Latin America”.
  • 2021 (10-11). Research stay in Colombia.
  • 2020 (11-12). Research stay at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
  • 2014-2015 (11-02). Research stay, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C.
  • 2012-2013 (09-07). Abroad study, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá D.C.

Professional carreer / Außeruniversitäre Berufstätigkeit

  • 2017 – 2020. Development worker (Expat) in Granada, Colombia. Send by AGEH e.V./AGIAMONDO. Civil Peace Service (BMZ funds).

Publications / Publikationen / Publicaciones


  • Ciesielski, M., García Carvajal, C. A., & Vargas Trujillo, J. (2024, accepted for publication). Shortcuts and Detours of Environmental Collective Legal Mobilizations. The Cases of the Colombian Atrato Region and the Amazon. Journal of Law and Society (Spring 2024 Issue).
  • Ciesielski, M., García Carvajal, C. A., & Vargas Trujillo, J. (2021). Wo kein Kläger(-kollektiv), da kein Richter?: Abkürzungen und Umwege kollektiver Rechtsmobilisierungen in der kolumbianischen Amazonas- und Atratoregion [“Where no plaintiff(-collective), there no judge? Shortcuts and Detours of Collective Legal Mobilizations in the Colombian Amazon and Atrato Region.”]. Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft, 7(1), Article 1.
  • See also video: “Sentencia a conciencia? Derechos bioculturales en Colombia” edited by Claudia Maya and Hanna Thiesing:
  • Ciesielski, M. (2021). Conocimientos, prácticas y representaciones institucionales: La caja negra de la justicia penal para adolescentes colombianos [Knowledge, practices and institutional representations: The black box of the juvenile justice in Colombia.]. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 11(3), Article 3.
  • Ciesielski, M. (2019). Pädagogische Strafe oder strafende Pädagogik? Eine qualitative Bestimmung von Krisenursachen in Jugendstrafsystemen am Beispiel Kolumbiens. Kriminologisches Journal, 2, Article 2.
  • Ciesielski, M. (2012). Technik als Unterscheidung: Ein Konzept auf seine Implikationen hinterfragt. Soziologiemagazin, 5(2), 57–67.

Contributions to anthologies

  • Ciesielski, M., & López Hernández, M. (2018). Observatorios como estrategia para la incidencia política de jóvenes. In S. V. Alvarado & P. A. Vommaro (Hrsg.), Desigualdades, Desafíos a las democracias, memorias y Re-existencias (S. 686–693).

Further Publications

  • Collaboration to video: Sentencia a conciencia? Derechos bioculturales en Colombia [Conscientious judgment? Biocultural rights in Colombia.] edited by Claudia Maya and Hanna Thiesing.
  • Ciesielski, M. (2021a). Die Gewalt gegen Gewerkschaften hält an. [Violence against trade unions continues.] GEW Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft.
  • Ciesielski, M. (2021b). Und wieder wächst das Gras. Kolumbiens Bildungsgewerkschaften gegen das Vergessen. [And again, the grass grows. Colombia's education unions against oblivion.] HLZ, die Zeitschrift für Erziehung, Bildung, Forschung, 74(6), 34–35.
  • Ciesielski, M. (2021c). “Wir wollen frei leben“. Ein Interview mit Marta Alfonso. [We want to live freely". An interview with Marta Alfonso.] Erziehung und Wissenschaft, 4, 36–37.
  • Hormaza Jimenez, I. C., & Ciesielski, M. (2021). Zehn Jahre junger Protest in Kolumbien. Die aktuelle Bewegung hat eine lange Vorgeschichte. [Ten years of young protest in Colombia. The current movement and its long history.] ILA, 448, 11-15.
  • Reprint in:
  • Collaboration to documentary film: Las Decisiones del Agua. Relato de un campo escondido [Water Decisions. A secret land's story] (2019). Granada (Colombia): Diocese of Granada in Colombia.
  • Ciesielski, M. (2017). Dialog suchen. Besuch in Entwaffnungszone. [Seeking dialogue. Visit to disarmament zone.] AGIAMONDO / Ehemals AGEH e.V.
  • Ciesielski, M. (2015). Bildung in Kolumbien. Der Gewerkschaftskampf von ASOINCA. [Education in Colombia. The trade union struggle of ASOINCA] Erziehung & Wissenschaft Sachsen, 04–05, 14–19.

Presentations (Selection)

  • “Claiming in Colombia: Towards a Regional Approach to Social Rights Insights?” Invited Speaker at Institute for World Society Studies, winter term lectures on “Social Rights: Global Perspectives?”, Bielefeld University, 11-2023.
  • “Collective rights through collective legal mobilization? Sociological Foundations of Ecocentric Environmental Lawsuits in Colombia.” Presentation at 5th Fifth Congress of the German-speaking Sociology of Law Associations, Innsbruck University, 09-2023.
  • „The sociological reverberations of rights mobilizations. Analysis using the example of educational lawsuits in Colombia.” Presentation at 5th Fifth Congress of the German-speaking Sociology of Law Associations, Innsbruck University, 09-2023.
  • “But then I remembered that in our constitution there is a right to education.’ Constitutional normativity and habitus in Colombian education litigation”. Presentation at Annual RCSL Conference, Lund University, 08-2023.
  • “Access to justice - and now? Examining the Transformative Traces of Law in the Habitus Using the Example of Colombian Educational Grievances.” Presentation at University Hildesheim, 06-2023.
  • “A New Wave of Legal Mobilization? First Ideas for a DFG Research Group Proposal on Access to Justice” Presentation at University Hildesheim.
  • "First ideas for a DFG Research Group Proposal: Access to Justice" Presentation at the WZB Berlin, 06-2023.
  • “Mapping Recent Simultaneities of Law and Inequality in Latin America. Challenges for Theory and Research”, Latin American Colloquium, LACIS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 02-2023.
  • “Methodological reflections on fieldwork in the research on economic, cultural and social rights mobilization. The case Colombia”, Bielefeld University, 01-2023.
  • “Qualitative methodology and aproximations to the right to education. The colombian case.” Presentation at Universidad de Costa Rica, San José de Costa Rica, 12-2022.
  • “Law begins where money ends? Insights into Colombian Education Lawsuits”, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 10-2022.
  • “’After that, you have no choice than playing with the complaint.’ Application Dynamics of the Colombian Fundamental Rights Lawsuit Acción de Tutela in Education.” Presentation at ICON-S Germany Conference “Margins in/of Law” Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 09-2022.
  • “Colombia's social movements in the context of contemporary Venezuelan migration.” co- held with Carolina Hormaza at DGS 41. Congress “Polarisierte Welten” Universität Bielefeld, 09-2022.
  • “’After speaking with the judge, my enrollment fee was paid’: The use of constitutional remedies in Colombia’s educational system and transformative law in Latin America.” Presentation held at international conference: “Global Meeting on Law and Society” organized by the Law and Society Association, Lisbon, 07-2022.
  • “What does law actually transform? The colombian education sector and the constitutional complaint acción de tutela” Presentation at IISL Law Reform Lecture Series [online], Oñati 06-2022.
  • “Law and Inequality. Lessons from Latin America.” Presentation at international conference “Access to justice in unequal societies”, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 05-2022.
  • “Access to justice in unequal societies. Introduction to the workshop” held at workshop: "Access to Justice in Unequal Societies What can we expect from justice? Legal and Social Challenges in Latin America.", Universidad de Externado, Colombia, 03-2022.
  • “The Colombian acción de tutela and the transformation of inequalities in education. An approach based on sociological capital theory.“ Presentation at AG Law and Culture meeting. Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 02-2022.
  • “Five Years after the Peace Agreement: Education and Unions in Colombia.” Presentation at GEW International Conference, 02-2022.
  • “‘We won the tutela-process and after a few days I got my money back. Law, education and transformations in Colombia”. Presentation at international conference: “Towards a Sustainable Peace in Transitional Societies”, organized by Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) and North-West University (South Africa), 12-2021
  • “An unequal peace. Colombia five years after the conflict termination.” Lecture at the closing of the 2021 classes in the Specialization in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. 12-2021
  • “Persistence of social inequality? Research approaches on social transformation and law using the example of educational inequality and legal action in Colombia.” Presentation at Annual Academic Conference of Ph.D.-Students of the Hans-Böckler-Foundation: “But Some Are More Equal Than Others? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Growing Inequality and the Need for Solidarity”, organized by the Hans-Böckler-Foundation. 07-2021
  • “Just a projection? Instruments for guaranteeing fundamental rights from the sociological viewpoint of conflicts.” Guest lecture at ICCAL-Lab, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia. 02-2021
  • “Inequality and theories of social inequality in Germany.” Guest lecture, Universidad de los Llanos, Villavicencio, Colombia. 06-2019.
  • “Observatories as a strategy for youth advocacy.” [Observatorios como estrategia para la incidencia política de jóvenes] Presentation co- held with Mauricio Hernández at international conference: III Bienal Latinoamericana de Infancias y Juventudes, Manizales, Colombia, organized by CLACSO, Universidad de Manizales, CINDE, 08-2018.
  • “Experiences and expectations regarding advocacy work in a youth observatory.” Presentation at conference: V jornada académica de la licenciatura en produccion agropecuaria, Universidad de los Llanos, Villavicencio, Colombia, 11-2017.


Ph.D. thesis abstract: “Claiming in Colombia. Education and Inequality in the Legal Mobilization of Colombian Students and Parents.” [„Klagen in Kolumbien. Bildung und Ungleichheit in der Rechtsmobilisierung kolumbianischer Lernender und Eltern“].

The transformative power of law is an ongoing topic of academic and public debate. For this reason, this project asks how the links between law and social transformation can be studied. This question is taken up here in the combined concept of legal transformation. The aim of the paper is to expand the state of knowledge of interdisciplinary legal research in this regard, using the example of education litigation in Colombia.

The project begins with a theoretical foundation by discussing a social science approach to legal transformation. It focuses on the meaningful constructions of legal conflict representations by plaintiffs. It is based on the analytical reception of Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus. It is argued that the Colombian fundamental rights complaint Acción de Tutela in the field of education is particularly suitable for an empirical study. It provides a critical link to the debate on transformative constitutionalism in Latin America (von Bogdandy et al. 2017). With the tutela in education, students and parents demand the right to education.

However, this legal mobilization does not mean that inequality in education has been overcome. In this contradiction, the social science approach proves to be illuminating, as this work shows, that legal transformation can be seen in legally changed actions, thinking and perceptions, provided that these changes do not correspond to the socio-spatial positions of the plaintiffs. In order to empirically reconstruct such changes in legal practice, interviews are used with tutela plaintiffs who conducted tutela proceedings in the context of unequal education between 2017 and 2020. Based on the qualitative interview data, data-based explanatory approaches are developed and their fit with the theoretical foundation is discussed.

As a partial result, legally diverse changes were observed in the practice of the more privileged actors. Litigation promotes long-term habituation to legal action, thinking, and perception. Such changes lead to legal incorporation and ultimately contribute to the (re)production of their social positions. Conversely, selective changes in legal practice have been observed among plaintiffs with less privileged social positions. Here, habitus forms remain subject to the law. The marginalized position of these plaintiffs is also consolidated when they make use of the social support of the tutela.

While these observations confirm the socio-spatial assumption that legal transformation is unlikely, the explanations based on the interview data also require theoretical extensions. This second partial result is substantiated by further empirical findings of the project. There are circumstances in which the practice of claiming symbolizes belonging to the Colombian legal system, even though the claimants are not professional lawyers. Thus, this study of legal transformation using the example of tutela litigation in the education sector allows to conclude that an analysis of the positional symbolism of legal practice not only shows how barriers to advancement are conflictively circumvented in Colombian society, but also, in a broader sense, can serve as a complementary dimension of analysis for the study of law and legal mobilization in other unequal societies.