Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Measuring the effects of COVID-19-related night curfews: Empirical evidence from Germany_Version 20210419

Note: This page and the below file refer to the very first version of the paper. A more recent version has been published as MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics as Working Paper No. 18-2021 in April 2021. ( ). The current version is also available at Researchgate ( <br> Preliminary version from 19 April 2021! Not yet peer-reviewed! <br> Abstract: <br> We estimate the impact of local night curfews in Hesse, Germany, on the incidence of COVID-19 cases during the "second wave" of the COVID-19 pandemic in this state. We find no statistical evidence that the night curfews were effective in slowing down the spread of the pandemic.
