Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dr. Andreas Folkers

Dr. Andreas Folkers

Post-doc researcher at the Institute for Sociology


Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Institut für Soziologie

Professur Allgemeiner Gesellschaftsvergleich

Karl-Glöckner-Str. 21E, Raum 216
35394 Gießen




Andreas is a post-doc researcher at the Institute for Sociology. He is PI of the research project “Carbon bubble and Stranded Assets. Making and governing climate related transition risks”. He is currently (Sep 2022-June 2023) Member at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ. He completed his PhD in Sociology at the Goethe-University Frankfurt in 2017 where he worked as a research associate at the sociology department (2011-2018). He was fellow at the Max-Weber-Centre (Erfurt University) in 2018 and a visiting scholar at the New School University, New York in 2013 and the London School of Economics (2022). He works on security, biopolitics, energy/environment, and infrastructure drawing on diverse research traditions in the social sciences and social theory. He is author of a monograph and numerous articles that have been published in journals such as Theory, Culture & Society, EPD: Society and Space, Economy and Society, European Journal of Social Theory, Security Dialogue, Time & Society, Social Studies of Science.





05/2020- 02/2024

Principal Investigator of the Research Project “Carbon Bubble and Stranded Assests” (DFG, eigene Stelle)

01/2019- 04/2020

Principal Investigator of the Research Project “Symbiotic Collectives” (VW-Stiftung, Originalitätsverdacht)

since 09/2018

Post-Doc at the Institute for Sociology (chair for “Allgemeiner Gesellschaftsvergleich”), Justus-Liebig University Gießen


Research Associate at the Institute for Sociology (chair for “Biotechnology, Nature, and Society”), Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main



April 2017

Completion of doctoral disseration (summa cum laude)


“Das Sicherheitsdispositiv der Resilienz. Die Regierung der Katastrophe und die Biopolitik vitaler Systeme”


Visiting Student at the New School for Social Research (New York City, NY)

10/2004- 07/2010

Student at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main: Sociology (Major), Philosophy, and Political Sciences; Master’s Degree 2010 (with distinction)


Scholar- and Fellowships


Member at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study (School of Social Science)


Visting Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences  (Center for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation)


Fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt in the project “Ordering Dynamics”


Visiting Scholar at the New School University, International Affairs Department (New York City, NY)


PhD Scholarship: German National Academic Foundation


Student Scholarship: Heinrich Böll-Foundation



Sektion soziologische Theorie, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)

European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)


Referee for Academic Journals

Theory, Culture & Society; Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory; Soziale Welt; Foucault Studies; Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur; Constellations. International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory; Behemoth. A Journal on Civilization; Leviathan. Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaften; Political Geography; Energy Research & Social Science; Progress in Human Geography; Security Dialogue; Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft; Geoforum; European Journal for Social Theory, Journal of Business Ethics, Geographica Helvetica



Research Interests

Biopolitics, environment, security/risk, governance, infrastructure, finance, energy


Book Project: Fossil Modernity. A Natural History of the Present

I’m currently working on my second book that analyses the rise, fall and afterlife of the cataclysmic ligature of modernity and fossil materialities like coal, oil, and gas. The book shows how modernity depends on something altogether unmodern that makes it tick, that creates and sustains its dynamic, but utterly undermines it. The concept of “fossil modernity” thus denominates a social constellation encompassing fossil fuelled high modernity as well as emerging forms of sociality having to deal with the ecological disturbances caused by the residues of this modernity.


The book is organized in three parts that each reflects a different mode of fossil materiality: resources (fossil fuels), residuals (CO2, plastic waste etc.) and reclamations of these residuals for current economic and political projects. The first part provides a historical sociology of the rise and consolidation of fossil modernity from the industrialization to the “great acceleration”. The second part turns to the residuals of fossil materialities to elucidate the material continuities connecting the past, present, and future of fossil modernity. The third part analyses different responses to the residuals’ affordances and identifies three paradigms of environmentalism – recycling, response-ability, and reparation – that each in their own way represents ways of coming to terms with an unredeemed, material past.


“Carbon bubble” and “stranded assets”: Making and governing climate related transition risks (Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Sachbeihilfe. 2020-2023)

The project examines social strategies to cope with risks and uncertain futures at the intersection of climate politics and finance. Adopting a theoretically informed perspective that draws on methods of qualitative social research the project looks at the ways stakeholders from civil society, politics, and finance frame and cope with the effects of a transition towards a low-carbon economy in the financial sector. Empirically, the project focuses on controversies around the issues of “carbon bubble” and “stranded assets”, that is, the ecologically and economically controversial problem that a consistent implementation of international climate goals could contribute to a massive devaluation of the financial assets of fossil capitalism (especially fuel reserves and energy infrastructures). The topic, which was first brought up for discussion by non-governmental organizations, meanwhile has also caught the attention of key players in the financial sector as well as financial regulators raising the question of how to govern the risks of a devaluation of carbon-intensive assets, so-called transition risks. By looking at the problematization process in financial publics as well as the governance of transition risks, the project illuminates two crucial sites where heterogenous actors try to align cognitive economic expectations with global climate goals.

In a first step, the project examines the cognitive and normative framings that have carved out “carbon bubble” and “stranded assets” as financial problem spaces. The project addresses finance not just as an economic but also as a political field of action and focusses on new forms of public engagement that strategically target the risk sensitivity of financial markets to enforce a climate protection agenda. In a second step, the project analyses modes of governing transition risks. It focusses on regulatory initiatives that seek to render transition risks measurable and therefore manageable by strengthening climate related financial information in corporate reporting practices. The project thus seeks to identify a new form of financial risk governance that attempts to modify economic expectations by addressing the informational infrastructure of financial markets.

The project seeks to highlight the opportunities, limits and paradoxes of attempts to implement a climate protection agenda in finance.  In particular, it examines whether translating climate related indicators into financial information runs risk to compromise environmental concerns. Politicizing financial markets for climate protection purposes could potentially backfire if this contributes to a financialization of climate politics. Combining empirical analysis with theoretical reflection, the project substantially contributes to the analysis of contemporary societies by critically illuminating the entanglements between financial and climate risks, which scholars widely regard as key elements of the “world risk society.”


Symbiotic collectives (together with Sven Opitz, Marburg, funded by the Volkswagen-Foundation: Originalitätsverdacht, 2018-2020)

The project examines the social and cultural implications of the symbiosis paradigm that has recently resurged in the life sciences due to the booming research on the microbiome. It asks how the manipulation of symbioses catalyses the emergence of bio-social relations. It focuses on two cases in which the biotechnological intervention in symbiotic relations between host animals and microbes addresses global problems: The modification of bovine ruminal bacteria seeks to reduce the methane production of global cattle populations. 

The creation of a symbiotic relationship between a bacterial species and a mosquito stops the latter from acting as a vector for infectious disease like dengue fever. The explorative case studies provide a particularly illuminating lens to study the emergence of a distinct mode of biopolitical intervention – symbiotic engineering – that creates novel relations between the living and the social on various spatial scales. By mapping these emerging symbiotic collectives, the project seeks to update concepts of sociality still prevailing in the humanities. The project mobilizes the concept of symbiosis to deepen our understanding of the hybridization of nature and culture. It therefore revisits the sociological use of the symbiosis concept by theorists like Robert E. Park and Niklas Luhmann and tries to arrive at a sociological understanding of symbiosis that takes into account the insights from millennial microbiology as well as the proliferation of symbiotic relations due to symbiotic engineering. The project thus combines explorative case studies with a theoretical concern: the analysis of symbiotic engineering with a theory of symbiotic collectives.





Books and Edited Volumes

  • 2018: Das Sicherheitsdispositiv der Resilienz. Katastrophische Risiken und die Biopolitik vitaler Systeme. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.
  • 2014: (with Thomas Lemke) Biopolitik. Ein Reader. Berlin: Suhrkamp.


Journal Articles

  • 2018: Machttechnologie oder Kritik? Zur Genealogie und Gegenwart der Resilienz. WestEnd. Neue Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung. 15 (2). 45-67.
  • 2018: (with Nadine Marquardt) Die Verschränkung von Umwelt und Wohnwelt. Grüne Smart Homes aus der Perspektive der pluralen Sphärologie. Geographica Helvetica. 73 (1). 79-93.
  • 2017: Politik des Lebens jenseits seiner selbst. Für eine ökologische Lebenssoziologie mit Deleuze und Guattari. Soziale Welt. 68 (4). 365-384.
  • 2017: Existential provisions: The technopolitics of public infrastructure. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. 35 (5). 855-874.
  • 2017: Continuity and catastrophe: business continuity management and the security of financial operations. Economy and Society. 46 (1). 103-127.
  • 2017: Die Onto-Topologie der Energiewende – Volatile Ströme, endliche Energien und die Sicherung des Bestandes. Behemoth - A Journal on Civilisation. 10(1), S. 29-56.
  • 2017: Nuclear states, renewable democracies? limn. 7. Public Infrastructures/Infrastructural Publics. 83-88.
  • 2016: Daring the Truth: Foucault, Parrhesia and the Genealogy of Critique. Theory, Culture & Society. 33 (1). 3-28.
  • 2014: (with Il-Tschung Lim) Irrtum und Irritation. Für eine kleine Soziologie der Krise nach Foucault und Luhmann. Behemoth – A Journal on Civilization. 7 (1). 48-61.
  • 2014: After virtù and fortuna: Foucault on the government of economic events. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory. 15 (1). 88-104.
  • 2013: Von der Ironie der Normalisierung zur Autoimmunität. Der Subprime Mortgager und die Finanzkrise. Soziale Systeme. 19 (1). 85-109.


Book Chapters

  • 2022: Metabolic Rift: Kohlenstoff- und Kapitalkreislauf aus ökomarxistischer Perspektive. In: Rödder, Simone; Youssef, Ibrahim (Eds.) Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung. Bielefeld: transcript. 283-287.

  • 2020: Die Grenzen des Regierens. (Neo)liberalismus, Kritik, Ökonomie. In: Vogelmann, Frieder (Ed.) Fragmente eines Willens zum Wissen. Michel Foucaults Vorlesungen, 1970-1984. Metzler. 139-156.
  • 2019: (with Sven Opitz) Symbiose als Begriff und Gegenstand der Soziologie. Für eine Analyse von Biosozialität im Zeitalter des Mikrobioms. In: Burzan, Nicole (Ed.) Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.
  • 2019: Smart grids and smart markets. The promises and politics of intelligent infrastructures. In: Kornberger, Martin; Bowker, Goeffrey; Pollock, Neil; Miller, Peter; Mennicken, Andrea & Elyachar, Julia (Hg.) Thinking Infrastructure. Book Series: Research in the Sociology of Organizations. Bingley: emeraldinsight. 255-272.
  • 2019: Veridiktion und Denunziation. Foucaults Genealogie der Kritik und die Politik der Wahrheit. In: Marchart, Oliver; Martinsen, Renate (Eds.) Foucault und das Politische. Transdisziplinäre Impulse für die politische Theorie der Gegenwart. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. 87-107.
  • 2018: Resilienz als Nomos der Erde. Earth System Governance und die Politik des Anthropozäns. In: Laux, Henning; Henkel, Anna (Eds.) Die Erde, der Mensch und das Soziale. Zur Transformation gesellschaftlicher Naturverhältnisse im Anthropozän. Bielefeld: transcript. 137-160.
  • 2018: (with Katharina Hoppe) Von der Modernisierung zur Ökologisierung. Konzepte des Werdens bei Deleuze/Guattari und Haraway. In: Delitz, Heike; Nungesser, Frithjof; Seyfert, Robert (Eds.) Soziologien des Lebens. Überschreitung, Differenzierung, Kritik. Bielefeld: transcript. 137-164.
  • 2018: Was ist kritisch an Kritischer Infrastruktur? Kriegswichtigkeit, Lebenswichtigkeit, Systemwichtigkeit und die Infrastrukturen der Kritik. In: Engels, Jens-Ivo & Nordmann, Alfred (Eds.) Was heißt Kritikalität? Zu einem Schlüsselbegriff der Debatte um Kritische Infrastrukturen Bielefeld: transcript. 123-154.
  • 2018: Stoffwechselstörung. Materialismus, Metabolismus, Müll. In: Hansen, Lis; Roose, Kerstin; Sezel, Dennis (Ed.) Die Grenzen der Dinge. Ästhetische Entwürfe und theoretische Reflexionen materieller Randständigkeit. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. 239-264.
  • 2017: (with Nadine Marquardt) Die Kosmopolitik des Ereignisses. Gaia, das Anthropozän und die Welt ohne uns. In: Corinna Bath, Hanna Meißner, Stephan Trinkaus, Susanne Völker (Eds.) Verantwortung und Un/Verfügbarkeit. Impulse und Zugänge eines (neo)materialistischen Feminismus. Reihe der DGS-Sektion Frauen und Geschlechterforschung. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot. 98-114.
  • 2017: Klima und Krieg. Die Biopolitik vitaler Systeme und die Sicherheitsagenda der Gegenwart. In: Lessenich, Stephan (Ed.) Geschlossene Gesellschaften. Verhandlungen des 38. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bamberg 2016.
  • 2017: Resilienz als Nomos der Erde. Earth System Governance und die Politik des Anthropozäns. In: Lessenich, Stephan (Ed.) Geschlossene Gesellschaften. Verhandlungen des 38. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Bamberg 2016.
  • 2016: (with Nadine Marquardt) Tents. In: Salter, Mark (Ed.) Making Things International 2. Catalysts and Reactions. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 63-78.
  • 2015: Paradigma oder Parasit? Der neue Materialismus, die Soziologie und die posthumanistische Herausforderung. In: Lessenich, Stephan (Ed.) Krise der Routine, Routine der Krise. Verhandlungen des 37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Trier 2014.
  • 2014: (with Thomas Lemke) Einleitung. In: Biopolitik. Ein Reader. Berlin: Suhrkamp. 7-61. 
  • 2013: Was ist neu am neuen Materialismus? Von der Praxis zum Ereignis. In: Goll, Tobias et. al. (Eds.) Critical Matter. Diskussionen eines neuen Materialismus. Münster: Edition Assemblage. 16-33.
  • 2012: Kritische Infrastruktur. In: Marquardt, Nadine; Schreiber, Verena (Eds.) Ortsregister. Ein Glossar zu Räumen der Gegenwart. Bielefeld: transcript, 154-159.
  • 2012: (with Nadine Marquardt): Zelt. In: Marquardt, Nadine; Schreiber, Verena (Eds.) Ortsregister. Ein Glossar zu Räumen der Gegenwart. Bielefeld: transcript, 300-305.



  • 2021: Folkers, Andreas: Bevölkerung und vitale Systeme, oder: Die Kurve und die Linie. Commentary to: Philosophische Lehren aus der Corona-Pandemie. Jahrbuch für Technikphilosophie 2021. 311-312. Chinese Translation published in: Science.Economy.Society (科学.经济.社会) 164 (3). 4-6.

  • 2020: Kritische Infrastruktur. In: Arch+. Zeitschrift für Architektur und Urbanismus. 239. Europa. Infrastrukturen der Externalisierung. 103-109.

  • 2020: Vorwegnahme, Hereinnahme und Herausnahme. Biopolitiken der Immunisierung in der Corona-Krise. Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten. 02.04.2020.

  • 2020: (with Sven Opitz) Me, Microbe, and I – Warum wir uns mit den Bakterien in uns dringend versöhnen müssen. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly. 02/2020. 108-113.

  • 2019: Review of: Matthias Leanza: Zeit der Prävention. Eine Genealogie. Theorieblog.

  • 2018: Review of: Ute Tellmann. Life and Money. The Genealogy of the Liberal Economy and the Displacement of Politics. In: Behemoth. A Journal on Civilization. 11 (2). 132-134.
  • 2016: Mean/Problems.
  • 2016: In/Off the Grid. In: Maak, Flo (Ed.) In/Off the Grid.
  • 2015: Review of: Heike Delitz: Bergson Effekte. Aversionen und Attraktionen im französischen soziologischen Denken. In: Sociologica Internationalis. 53 (2). 269-272.
  • 2015: (with Malaika Rödel): Biopolitik. In  Gender Glossar / Gender Glossary.
  • 2013: Realabstraktion. Die Kunst des Absehens. In: Maak, Flo (Ed.) catalogue for the exhibition „-graphie“ at Cirne in Collogne.
  • 2012: What’s so funny ‘bout love, peace and understanding? Daniel Loick kritisiert die Ironie der Souveränität. diskus 1.12.
  • 2011: It's the economist, stupid! Rezension zu Joseph Vogl. Das Gespenst des Kapitals. diskus. 1.11. S. 50-52.
  • 2011: Die kommende Katastrophe. diskus 1.11. S. 10-15.
  • 2011: Zähltag. diskus. 1.11. S. 57-58.



  • 2011: „Nacktes Leben oder Soziale Unbestimmtheit“ by Ernesto Laclau (from English to German). In: Loick, Daniel (Ed.), „Der Nomos der Moderne. Die politische Philosophie Giorgio Agambens.“ Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 77-89.



  • 2022: Symbiotic engineering and cattle in the Anthropocene. Talk at Liege University (Spiral Research Centre).

  • 2022: Market design. Information infrastructures between economy and environment. Talk at the workshop “The Design Turn. Recasting Expertise” at the Humboldt-University Berlin

  • 2022: Klima und Kapital. Talk in the Kolloqium „Zukunft der Arbeit“ (Philip Staab). Humboldt-University Berlin

  • 2021: Real-time Responsibility. Talk at the Workshop “Planetary Responsibility”. London School of Economics (digital).

  • 2021: Tragedy of the horizons. Carbon ontologies between climate and finance. (Conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4s) in Toronto and digital)

  • 2021: Die Katastrophe in der Biopolis. Biosoziale Wertordnungen in der Pandemie (Gemeinsamer Soziologiekongress DGS und ÖSG (digital). Plenum: Pandemische Biosozialitäten: Körper, Praktiken, Sozialformen zwischen Krisenerfahrung und Bewältigungsstrategie)

  • 2021: Critical matter. Stockpiling as a temporal security technology (Online talk in the Colloquium of the Graduate School „Kritische Infrastruktur“ at TU-Darmstadt)

  • 2021: Rechnen mit den Beständen. Notfallbevorratung als Sicherheitstechnik (Online-talk at the SiFo (Fachdialog Sicherheitsforschung) conference: „Zivile Sicherheit im demokratischen Staat“)

  • 2021: Stockpiling. The material politics of antizipation. (Online-talk at the international conference „Material life of time“ – Second international temporal belongings conference)

  • 2021: Nach der Nachhaltigkeit. Retropien für die dritte Moderne. (Online-talk for the meeting of the Theory Section of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie „Die ökologische Frage. Herausforderungen für die soziologische Theorie“)

  • 2021: Symbiotische Kollektive. Biosozialität im Zeitalter des Mikrobioms. (Online-talk for the „Forum Originalitätsverdacht“ organized by the Volkswagen-Stiftung, talk held together with Sven Opitz)

  • 2021: Katastrophenschwellen. Biopolitische Ordnungen in der Covid-19 Pandemie. (Online-talk for the „Translocal Colloquium“ organized by the Geography-Departments at the Universities of Bayreuth, Münster, Klagenfurt, Dresden and Jena)

  • 2020: Immunisierung (Talk for the Online-event. “Kritische Theorie in der Pandemie” organized by the Frankfurter Arbeitskreis für Politische Theorie und Philosophie)

  • 2019: Auch eine Geschichte der Sicherheit. Eine Genealogie sichernder Sorge (Workshop “Ambivalenzen sorgender Sicherheit. Ökonomie, Politik, Ethik“ at Gießen University)

  • 2019: Symbiosozialität. Eine soziologische Theorie symbiotischer Kollektive (Workshop “Symbiose als soziologisches Konzept - Biosoziale Randgänge der Theorie“ at Marburg University, talk held together with Sven Opitz)

  • 2019: Symbiotic Engineering: Designing Microbial Solutions for Planetary Problems (Conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4s) in New Orleans “Innovation, Interruption, Regeneration”, talk held together with Sven Opitz)

  • 2019: Die Entsorgung der fossilen Moderne (Talk with comment by Stephan Lessenich at the Generationentagung “Doing Theory” of the Theory Section, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie)

  • 2019: Die Temporalität fossiler Existenzweisen zwischen Klimapolitik und Ökonomie (Research Colloquium by Stefan Aykut, Anita Engels, and Simone Rödder, Hamburg University)

  • 2019: Expectation infrastructures. Anticipating uncertain futures at the interface of finance and climate politics. (Workshop "Finance, Infrastructure, Security. Hegemony in generative practices." Justus-Liebig-University Gießen)

  • 2018: Burning Men. Axel Kleidon's thermodynamic understanding of human activity. (Workshop "Cross-disciplinary perspectives on Anthropocene Studies: Human Agency in the Evolution of the Technosphere" Erfurt University)
  • 2018 Die Tragik der Horizonte. Komplexe Dynamiken zwischen klimapolitischen und finanzökonomischen Zukunftshorizonten (39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Göttingen. Ad-hoc-Gruppe Simulieren, Vorbereiten, Verhindern: Sicherheitstechnologien zur Antizipation komplexer Dynamiken)
  • 2018 Planetarische Symbiopolitik: Die Bekämpfung globaler Risiken auf mikrobieller Ebene (39. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Göttingen. Ad-hoc-Gruppe "Symbiose als Begriff und Gegenstand der Soziologie", talk held together with Sven Opitz)
  • 2018 The ecological nomos of the earth. Planetary stewardship, air-appropriation, and resistance against the anthropocene (Symposium „Matters of Life and Death. Existential problems and the limits of law. Goethe-University Frankfurt. July 02.-04.)
  • 2018 Von der Normalität zur Normativität. Zur Geschichtlichkeit der Resilienz. (Workshop „Resilienz“ Trier University. June 20.-22.)
  • 2017 Was ist kritisch an Kritischer Infrastruktur? (Workshop "Kritikalität" des Graduiertenkollegs Kritische Infrastrukturen, TU-Darmstadt)
  • 2017 Disruptive Democracies in Circulatory Capitalism. (PACSA Konferenz "The Making of Peace, Conflict and Security. Dynamics of Inculsion and Exclusion" University of Amsterdam, talk held together with Julian Stenmanns)
  • 2017 Kommentar zu Joyeeta Gupta "Sharing our Ecospace" (Workshop "Environment/Agency" a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Köln)
  • 2017 Securing Stocks. (Localizing Global Security: Technologies, Infrastructures, Protocols. University of Marburg)
  • 2016 Vom Wahrsprechen zum Neoliberalismus: Foucaults Genealogie der Kritik (Foucault Revisited Conference: Universität Wien)
  • 2016 Resilienz als Nomos der Erde (38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bamberg. Ad-hoc-Gruppe "Die Erde, der Mensch und das Soziale: Zur Transformation gesellschaftlicher Naturverhältnisse im Anthropozän")
  • 2016 Klima und Krieg. Die Biopolitik vitaler Systeme und die Sicherheitsagenda der Gegenwart (38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bamberg. Ad-hoc-Gruppe "Risikogesellschaft und ökologische Kommunikation: 'Krieg als mit Absicht hervorgerufene ökologishe Katastrophe'")
  • 2016 From Nuclear States to Renewable Democracies? (4s/EASST conference in Barcelona: "Science and Technology by Other Means")
  • 2016 Mean Problems (Input for rountable discussion organized by Endre Danyi and Noortje Marres at the 4s/EASST conference in Barcelona: "Science and Technology by Other Means")
  • 2016 Onto-Topologie der Energiewende. Infrastruktur als ontologisches Konfliktfeld (Workshop: Die Soziologie und die Neuen Materialismen, TU-München)
  • 2015 Logistical Resistance in Circulatory Capitalism. (International Conference on "Challenging Collectivities" at Goethe-University Frankfurt, talk held together with Julian Stenmanns)
  • 2015 Securing Infrastructural Operations in Finance - Business Continuity Management, Circulatory Capitalism and Disruptive Democracy (Thinking Infrastructure Workshop - Copenhagen Business School)
  • 2015 The World is not Enough - Speculating about Gaia and other Mommie Issues (Deutscher Kongress für Geographie in Berlin; together with Nadine Marquardt)
  • 2015 "Die Verankerung der Vorsorgemaschine in der Vitalsphäre" - Biopolitik - Technopolitik - Sicherheit. (Invited talk held at the University of Hamburg)
  • 2014 Politik des Lebens jenseits seiner selbst. Ökologie bei Deleuze und Guattari (37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Trier. Sektionsveranstaltung Kultursoziologie „Lebenssoziologische Konzepte: Aktivität-Intensität-Exzentrizität.“)
  • 2014 Critical Matter: Soziologische Begegnungen mit dem New Materialism (37. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Trier. Ad hoc Veranstaltung: „Soziologische Perspektiven auf den neuen Materialismus“)
  • 2014 Dass es so weitergeht... Betriebliches Kontinuitätsmanagement in Finanzorganisationen (Die Organisation des Notfalls. Handeln zwischen Notfallplan, Regelverletzung und Sicherheitsfassade. Universität Freiburg)
  • 2012 After virtu and fortuna. Foucault and Althusser on the Governmentality of Aleatory Economic Events (International Graduate Conference „critical matter“ June 2012 in Frankfurt a.M.)
    2011 Ironies of Normalization and the subprime crisis. (Radical Foucault Conference. University of East London)
    2010 Die Ironien der Normalisierung. Der Fall der subprime mortgage Krise. (International Graduate Conference „Emerging Forms of Sociality“ in Frankfurt a.M.)


Conference/Workshop/Panel Organization

  • 2021: Appropriocene. Property in the Anthropocene. (Workshop at Sciences Po Paris,

    organized together with Alain Pottage).

  • 2021: Die ökologische Frage. Herausforderungen für die soziologische Theorie. (Meeting of the Theory Section of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, DGS in January 2021, digital format, organized together with Katharina Block and Katharina Hoppe)
  • 2019: Ambivalenzen sorgender Sicherheit. Ökonomie, Politik, Ethik (Workshop at Gießen University in November 2019, organized together with Andreas Langenohl)

  • 2019: Symbiose als soziologisches Konzept - Biosoziale Randgänge der Theorie. (Workshop at Marburg University in October 2019, organized together with Sven Opitz)

  • 2019: Finanzmärkte: Stolpersteine auf dem Weg zu Postwachstumsgesellschaften? (Panel at the “Great Transformation“ Conference (Regional Conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie) September 2019 in Jena, organized together with Andreas Langenohl, Sebastian Giacovelli, and Carola Westermeier)

  • 2019: Reciprocal Capture. Symbiosis as an Object and Concept of STS. (Panel at the 4s Conference September 2019 in New Orleans, organized together with Sven Opitz)

  • 2018 Tracing Contemporary Metabolisms. Historicizing Ecological Epistemologies. International Workshop at the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt. Organized together with Bernhard Kleeberg and Ute Tellmann.
  • 2018 Ad hoc Gruppe Symbiose als Begriff und Gegenstand der Soziologie at the 39th convention of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Göttingen. Organized together with Sven Opitz.
  • 2012 Critical Matter – International Graduate Conference in Frankfurt am Main.
  • 2010 Emerging Forms of Sociality – International Graduate Conference in Frankfurt am Main.